" Great. Now we gotta think of something else." Tdawg commented to which I smiled. " Who says?" I sass and hand them the rope.

Now, pulling was the hard part. The walked weighed at least two times my weight. We almost had it out when it's belt got caught on a rock or something. We pulled even harder till I felt myself falling back, the walker ripped into two pieces. The bottom half falling back into the well, surely contaminating the water. " Aw man. I risked my ass for nothing." I groaned and turned to Maggie who had a horrified expression on her face. " At least we didn't do something stupid, like shoot it." Tdawg sassed, grabbing his crowbar and bashing the Walker's head in. Maggie speed walked away. My cap clutched in her hands.

* Time skip. Haven't seen Maggie again."

Maggie's POV

" The boy will still need some medication and stuff. Thing is, we don't have any." My dad told Rick who sighed and nodded. " I'll figure something out." He said turning to his group. Yn was standing with Glenn, they were laughing about something. I remember her cap I had tucked it into my belt to keep it safe because I kind of ran off before I could give it to her.

" I could go." I said suddenly. Rick shook his head. " Not the place Shane went." He denied my offer but I shook my head. " No. There's a pharmacy just a bit away. In town. I could go and get you some of the stuff you need for your boy. I've done it before." I clarified. He nodded and turned, pointing at Yn and Glenn. " Yn there's out main ' go into town' runner. Anything you need, she'll get it. Glenn has always been her partner in crime." Rick said. I nodded and headed towards the two who were still laughing. Yn saw me approach, smiling slightly.

" I gotta head into town, you two coming?" I asked them. They glanced at one another and smirked. " Hell yeah." Glenn said and Yn nodded. " Great, I'll go saddle up the horses." I have another quick glance as I turned and walked away. Her cap completely slipping my mind.

* Time skip*

Me and Yn were a bit behind Glenn, I fumbled with her cap in one hand. " I forgot to give you your cap back." I called to her. Reaching the cap towards her. She smiled and took it, pulling it over her head, the bits of her short-ish hair falling out and onto her forehead. " I meant to ask you if you were good" she mentioned looking down at the cracked road. I didn't answer her, just sighed.

Yn's pov

I glanced at her when she didn't answer me. " My dad has us all believing they're just sick people. I believe that, after what your friend did to it. I can't get it out my head." She said softly. When I looked at her, her face was twisted with disgust and somewhat fear. " I guess when you've seen what I've seen you kinda get used to it all. Don't worry." I said as we came to a halt, Glenn jumped off the horse and stared at a cardboard sign in the window.

' take what you need and God bless.'

He glanced at me shaking his head. " Idiots." I grumbled and walked in, after Maggie. " So what do we need." Maggie asked us. I pulled out the paper, a second one coming out with it. I quickly grabbed it from the other one and gave her the list. " Uhm, yell if you need any help, I'll just go get some...general stuff. Y'know." She nodded and glanced at Glenn. " You coming?"

As soon as they walked off I went into search mode. I recalled what Lori had asked me.

* Flashback*

I felt a tug at my shirt, " hey Yn. I've got the list here. It's everything you need to get." Lori told me. I smiled and nodded at her. " Thanks, anything else?" I ask her, eyeing the small paper she clutched. " Uhm it's kind of personal. Do you think you could get it for me in the dark?" She asked, handing me the paper. I opened it to see what was written only to immediately push it down my trousers pocket. " Yeah, yep I'll get it for you. Sure." She smiled and rubbed my arm. " Thanks, I knew I could trust you." She said walking away just as I heard my name being called.

* End of flashback*

I rummaged through the stuff lying on the floor in the feminine hygiene section, looking through all of it. I grabbed a box lying off to the side and as I turned it around I breathed a sigh of relief. " Hey, you done yet?" I heard maggie from behind me so i immediately shoved the box into my bag and grabbed another random box. " What'd you get?" She asked, eyeing the box in my hands. " Oh just some, uh, some..." I turned the box to see the label. It read condoms. " Didn't know you had a boyfriend." She questioningly asked, glancing down at my trousers. As if she's already seen my, extra piece.

" Who has a boyfriend?" Glenn asked glancing at my hand, seeing the box. " Shit. Hollon.." he made a thinking face. " Andrea?" I raised my eyebrows and shoved the box into the bag. " You're completely mad." I scoffed and glanced up at Maggie. Glenn saw that and went wide eyed. " Oh no, you're the crazy one." He yelled a bit too loud. I put my hand over his mouth to silence him from attracting walkers, and maybe to stop him from blurting something stupid out.

" Shut it and go get the rest of the stuff before the walkers you just attracted come running." I tell him, giving him the eyes. He nodded as I got up and zipped my bag shut. " So, who do you plan on using those with then?" Maggie asked, still eyeing me. I opened and closed my mouth, not knowing what to say. " So it is me?" She made the assumption to which my eyes went wide. " No, it's not you." I quickly denied, not realising how I made it sound. " Well. What's wrong with me?" She asked. An eyebrow raised. I groaned. " No nothing. You're gorgeous it'd just-" she cut me off with a smile. " So you do wanna have sex with me?" She asked and I looked up at her, confused. " I didn't-" again, I didn't get to finish my sentence.

She pulled me in, connecting her lips to mine. " Yo I dont know what this stuff is. A little help?" Glenn came into the front looking at the paper. Maggie quickly pulled away and glanced at me as I fixed my cap.

" Uh yeah, lemme help you so that we can get going." I tell him as we walk to the back of the store, not looking at Maggie.

* Time skip, back at the farm*

I was standing around with Glenn, Maggie went to put the horses back. Again, the soft tug of my shirt pulled me out of my staring trance. Lori looked at me, motion me to come with her. " Yo, I'll be back in a sec. " I tell Glenn who just nodded.

" You got the stuff?" She asked me and I smiled and pulled out the box. " How do you know me?" I asked her, she smiled back and nodded. " Oh and Yn, we're pretty close, right?" She asked me, I nodded confused. " So could you, maybe keep this between us for the while?" She asked, nodding I turn around and slowly make my way to the RV, Dale was on the roof. Keeping watch.

" Want me to take over?" I asked him. He looked down at me with a smile. " I was waiting for you to ask me that." He got off and handed me the binoculars. He started to walk away but stopped just as I got onto the second step. " Hey Yn, do you think Andrea and Shane has been acting weird lately?" I turned my body to him, hiding on with one hand. " Hmm, I haven't really been paying that much attention." I told him to which he smiled. " I know, you've got something else on your mind. Or should I say, someone." He didn't give me time to answer, walking away. " Hey no, what does that mean?!" I yelled out after him only to see him throw up his one hand at me.

" What does what mean?" I heard a familiar feminine voice say behind me. " God almighty, you keep scaring the crap out of me." I tell her as I get down, standing in front of her. " I like to see you jump a little." Maggie gave me a smile but quickly dropped it and looked around. I, too, looked around to see no one around us for quite a few paces. Before I could react she, again, pulled me into a kiss. I was shocked but recovered and kissed her back, my hands finding their place on her hips.

Before I could even think of going any further the RV door swung open making Maggie jump away from me. I turned to see Andrea getting out. " Oh hey Yn, have you seen Dale. He was keeping watch a few minutes ago. I didn't hear him get off." I scratched the back of my neck. " Uhm, yeah I offered to take over watch. He went up to the house. " I tell her. She smiled and closed the door, heading in that direction. When I turned back around Maggie was nowhere in sight.

I shrugged and got onto the RV pulling my cap further down to somewhat shield my eyes.


And as always, if you have any tips or advice for my writing please leave a comment or let me know. As I said before, none of the stuff in the book will be as it is in the show. Maybe some lines and scenes that I remember but nothing more.

Anyhow, have a great day/night and stay shining.


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