Chapter 14

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Biana's POV

It was dinner at Everglen that night when I broke the news about Fitz's horrible behaviour to our friends. Fitz hadn't come down for dinner, which was obvious, considering he and I were now practically enemies. For once, I didn't mind.

"Mom, dad?" I asked, rolling my pasta and putting it into my mouth.

"Yes, sweetie?" Mom answered after swallowing a bite of her pasta too. I gulped down my pasta and looked at her and my father, who was looking at me, face filled with concern.

"It's about Fitz." I blurted out and their heads snapped up with surprise.

"Your brother? What could he have done wrong?" Dad said, cocking his head to the side.

"Lots of things." I grumbled, picking at my pasta.

"Sorry?" Mom asked, putting a hand on my fork to stop me from picking at my food.

"I said, LOTS OF THINGS!" I shouted, not able to contain my anger. I took a deep breath and tried not to be like my brother.

"Calm down," dad said, putting his hand on my shoulder, "what has he done wrong?"

"Well, he somehow got into this thing about him being a Vacker."

"How?" Mom asked, her face was filled with concern now.

"Yesterday, when the Prom King nominees were announced, Fitz had practically told Keefe and Tam to back off because he was going to win because he was a Vacker," I took a deep breath, "it turned into a big fight where Linh, Tam and Keefe got super mad and Fitz kept saying things about the Vackers being superior." My parent's faces formed a frown. They weren't liking this. "Then today, he asked Sophie to prom, and when she said no politely, he made it into a dramatic scenario, telling her all kinds of awful things. So now, he has no friends left. Honestly mom, dad, he deserves it." I finished, and my parents recovered from the shock.

My dad slammed the table, so loud that I think my brother heard him from upstairs. "Fitzroy Avery Vacker! Come down here now!!" He shouted, and he stood up, pacing around the room. My mom's eyes were filled with worry, and I sat there, smugly, waiting for the epic showdown.

Fitz sludged into the room, dragging his feet. His teal eyes widened when he realised what was going on. "Mother, father, it isn't what Biana said," he started, and I snorted.

"Isn't? Didn't you just have a fight with Keefe, Sophie and I? I never saw Keefe angry like that. And what did Sophie do? What? You wish that dad hadn't rescued Sophie? So what, just leave her to die? Didn't you tell Linh and Tam yesterday that they were inferior because they weren't a Vacker?" I shouted, furious. Liar.

Dad bit his lip. "Fitz Vacker. You said what to your friends? Being a Vacker does not put you on the top."

"So? Even without me being a Vacker, I WILL win the prom king." He said, making my mouth drop. What was wrong with him?

"That we will have to see. But promise me, Fitz, that you will not end up like Alvar did. Being a Vacker is not superior. Remember that." Mom said in her singsong voice.

He nodded. "Say sorry to them tomorrow." Dad said, making me snort. "Biana, stop being so angry. Say sorry to your sister too, Fitz." Fitz glanced at me and shook his head.

"I'll say sorry when I win." With that, he marched out of the room and we could hear him going upstairs. My parents and I both sighed and continued eating our dinner.


I walked into school tomorrow to find people clustered around my locker. I took a step towards it, and I could see love notes hanged on to my locker, and people trying to see who wrote it. I sighed and marched through the crowds, parting them. They all fell silent. I saw a love note signed by this boy called Louis, Marty, and Alexander, and a boy's name I never heard of. I didn't want to go with any of them. I wanted one person, but he probably wouldn't want to go with me. 

I snapped out of my thoughts and opened my locker, relief flowing my body to find it clean. I gathered all of my books and turned around to see Tam Song right behind me with his hands on his back. I almost squealed. Was he going to do what I want him to do? The crowd around me fell silent. 

"Hey, Biana." 

"Hey." Seriously Biana? You can do more than just a hey! Tam smiled nervously. I smiled back. 

"Will you go with me to prom? I mean if you don't want to than it's fine-" He rambled, but I cut him off and squealed with joy. 

"YES!!!! Oh my gosh!" I screamed and jumped up and down with joy. He laughed and gave me a rose he was holding behind his back. "That's Linh's doing isn't it?" I asked, taking the rose. 

"No. It was actually Sophie's." I was taken aback. Sophie? I had not expected that. Perhaps all the standing up thing worked. She was opening up. Tam smiled sheepishly. Out of the corner of the eyes, I could see Sophie standing in front of her locker, talking to Keefe. She caught my gaze and winked. Wow. Did not expect that. Still, I grinned back. 

The hall was filled with gossips now, and I grabbed Tam's hand and dragged ourselves over to them. 

"Hi! Congrats you two." Sophie said, greeting us. She had her blonde hair in a sleek ponytail with a white hoodie and surprisingly, denim shorts. She looked so pretty. Keefe smirked at Tam. 

"Suppose you have a date now?" 


"Congrats I guess." He mumbled. Wow. 

"You should ask her out. I'm sure she'll accept." Tam said. Who? Sophie?

"No. She wouldn't" 

HII READERS!!!!! Tiana happended! What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? Any predictions?????? Thank you so much for reading and pls vote and comment! Love ya!!!

Fresh Start(KOTLC Human AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon