Chapter 13

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Sophie's POV

There was a drama yesterday, I assumed, since Fitz did not sit with us at lunch, and also because Keefe was practically fuming. I have never seen that before. Biana was, as always, cheerful, but I could hear the bitterness in her voice. Linh and Tam sat at the edges of the table, not talking. Something was up. But I didn't bring it up.

I went out of the cafeteria to get ready for Alchemy, my worst class. The explosions I caused were horrible, and Ms. Galvin hated me and my weekly explosions.

"Sophie! Wait up!" A voice I recognised called. Oh no, Fitz. I didn't stop, pretending I didn't hear him.

"Sophie!" He said, pulling my shoulder back and made me face him. Okay, I might've blushed.

"What do you want?" I asked, not wanting to talk. Something was up, and it seemed like it was his doing.

"You and I, we go to prom." I stood there, dumbfounded. What? No way I was going with him.

"Sorry?" I had to double check. Seriously? What was this guy?

"We go to prom together." It was not a question. It was almost an order

"Fitz-I" I tried to find the best way to say no, but he cut me off. 

"You should be happy, after all-a Vacker is taking you to a prom." 

"I never said yes, Fitz!"

"Well, you should."

"Fitz, I can't go to prom with you." 


"Uhh because I want someone else to take me." I knew it was a lie, but  I had to get out of the situation. Fitz flushed red, and whispered, 

"I am a VACKER. You should be grateful." 

"Sorry, Fitz, I don't care if you are a Vacker." 

"WHAT THE HECK SOPHIE?" Okay, what was up with this guy? He has some serious problems here. It makes Keefe a softy.



"Well, you weren't really asking-"

"I don't care. This whole thing. Who do you want anyway? Who could be better than me?" 

"I don't know Fitz, maybe anyone but you." I said, venom coming out of my throat. Now everyone was looking at us, as if we were some kind of a Harry Potter movie. 

"I AM A VACKER. THUS, IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO GO WITH YOU, THEN I GUESS YOU ARE DUMB, USELESS, AND HAS NO CLUE ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING. MY FATHER SHOULD NOT HAVE SAVED SUCH A CLUELESS GIRL." He shouted, causing the gossips and whispers starting. Tears brimmed my eyes, and I tried my best to keep them down. No crying. 

"That is enough, dear brother." A singsong female voice said from behind me, putting a hand on my shoulder. Thankfully, I didn't flinch. Biana shot a disgusted look at Fitz, and he just shrugged. 

"You are letting the whole family down Biana." He sneered, and I bit my lip trying to not shout.

"No. I am not. It's you who are letting down the family, and I WILL make sure daddy hears about this. Also, I think he did the best thing ever by helping Sophie." I leaned towards her, grateful for the words she said. Why did I try to close up?

"Biana is right, Fitzy." A male voice said, and I knew it was Keefe. He squeezed my hand, and I sqeezed back. Thankfully, the students were all off going to lessons. It was the 4 of us left in the halls. 

"Keefe, you know-"

"What do I know? I am sick of this Fitz. Me hiding behind you, all because you were a Vacker. Biana never does that, and is humble, kind and one of the best friends a person can wish for. She is a better Vacker. Not you. Foster is also one of the best. She is brave, humble, kind, couragous, funny. All better than you. I don't know what I am, but I know I can beat you and your anger issues everyday." Wow. I was honestly so touched by his words. I am not brave, humble, or any of the things he said about me. But the words make me glow on the inside. 


"We don't want to hear it. Is that clear? Now go. Now." Biana added, cutting Fitz off. Fitz ran away. 

I collapsed in shock. The words seemed to get me: clueless, dumb, useless. But the worst part was; my father should have never saved you. I cried and cried, letting the words get to me. Biana hugged me, whispering I am none of the things he said, and Keefe stood, his hands on my shoulder. And both of them were really comforting. Then the words they said came to me; he did the best thing ever by helping her, kind, humble, funny, couragous, brave. The word seemed to get to me. Brave. I had to be brave, didn't I? I had to bring my barrier down. I had to. Because I was brave. My parents wouldn't want me to be like this. They wouldn't. I dried off my tears as the bell rang. Nor Keefe nor Biana seemed to care about it, and I was grateful. 

I stood up, and pulled Biana up with me. I held their hands, and we walked through the hallways together. My barrier was coming down, and I was happy about it. 

I don't remember much, but I remember saying, "Thank you for being my friend." 

Hey readers!!! Thank you for reading this chapter! I know it was very cringy, but I had to write this for the next chapters! And don't worry! Sokeefe is going to come! And maybe Fitz would come to his senses... I had to write him this way so that Sophie would be chosing Keefe instead of him. 

So... Sophie is finally letting her barrier down! How do you guys feel about that? 

Thank you for all the reads and votes! Comments are welcome, and pls vote! It would really make my day! Love u all! I'll update soon!!!!

Fresh Start(KOTLC Human AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ