Chapter 16

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A:N/ Hello!!! I'm back!!! Looking back at my writing, I decided I want to keep writing this story.. so.. I'm back! I hope you all enjoy! 

Sophie's POV

I fled down the halls of Foxfire, crying. I know I should not have said that. I knew deep down I wanted to say yes, but somehow I could not find the courage to. I kept running, until I reached the football field. It was empty, and there was a single ball placed on the field, like it had been waiting for me to come. I walked down to the round object that I grown to like, and shot at the goal that was in front of me. 


I shot again. 




I kept shooting and retrieving the ball, feeling happy, and letting out all the sadness and anger inside me. I thought I was ready for a fresh start. I thought I overcame. Turns out I wasn't. Tears pooled in my eyes as I thought back to the time I met Keefe again. When Fitz turned into a proud Vacker mode. And.. just before when Keefe asked me out. Did he really like her? Did she like him back? Was she considering to say yes? Did that mean she wanted to fit in? I sat down and made a Sophie ball and cried again. I  was so lost. Not ready to face what was going to happen when I go back in. 

Then I heard a noise behind me. It sounded as if someone was looking at me, perhaps spying? I turned around, but only met silence and forests. I shrugged and turned back again, facing the school. 

I saw 2 people running towards me, frantically. I tried to run away but my guts told me this was not the right time to do a runaway again.  When they got near, I could make out who they were. It was Dame Alina and Keefe. Shoot. I'm dead

Fresh Start(KOTLC Human AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora