Chapter 3

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The next morning I went to school just like usual I guess. Um... my first class was chemistry. What could be so so bad? The halls were packed with students as I made my way to my first class. Or tried to. The halls were a maze honestly, and I could not find my way. Woah this was overwhelming. I wandered around the school helplessly, searching the way to Chemistry, but seriously-this school was big. 

"You must be lost." Someone said, appearing behind her. She jumped and turned around. It was Keefe. She scrawled, and said, 

"Maybe. What are you doing here anyways?"

"Umm.. Foster. This is my favourite ditching spot! I ditch all the time. Meanwhile, you-have to answer. Are you ditching? Cause if you are, that's new." 

"No!" I said, flustered. "This is school is honestly a maze."

"Huh. So.."

"So what?"

"The great Sophie Foster is asking for my help?! Woah. Things change." Sophie rolled her eyes. 

"Yes. I need your help." Keefe pumped his arms and linked his arms with mine. I blushed. 

"Ohhhh. Foster's blushing!" 

"Am not." I said, as he starting walking and dragging me along

"Where are you going??"

"Umm.. Chemistry."


"Miss Galvin."

"Oh she's the worst. Really. Be careful with her hair. She's super protective." 

"Just like you." I said, smiling. He pouted and said,

"My hair-is amazing. It has to be protective. Her hair-nah." I had to cover up my laugh with a cough. Keefe smirked. They reached a classroom with a navy blue door that held up a sign that said Chemistry. 

"Well. Here goes nothing!" I said. Opening the door. 

"Good luck Foster!" Keefe called from behind. I took a deep breath and stepped in, only to be met my a really angry teacher with jet black hair that was jelled, a white blouse and a tight black skirt. Woah. She was intimidating. I shrank back a step, but the door stopped me. Oh gosh. I should've ditched with Keefe.

"Miss Foster!"

"Y-yes miss?"

"May I need to remind you that the class started 15 minutes ago?"

"No miss. I'm sorry miss. I just couldn't find the way." Miss Galvin scoffed, but let me get past her and into the classroom. Great-no familiar faces. Huh. 

"Sit!" Miss Galvin gestured to an empty seat next to a guys with light brown hair and cobalt blue eyes. 

"Hi! You must be the new girl." I nodded, sitting down. 

"I'm Sophie."

"Huh. I told you she would be nice!" He shouted across the room. A bunch of people started to whisper. I flinched and shrank into the seat. Not wanting to be noticed.  

"Enough!" The class fell silent and began working. It was a simple experiment, and it should've been easy. Well at least for everyone. I was struggling. I knew it. I kept almost putting the wrong chemical in, and almost making it explode. 

"Be careful!" The guy next to her shouted. She nodded, and got back to work. "I'm Jensi by the way." 

"That's nice." Stopping the conversation going deeper. He frowned, but said nothing. After minutes of mixing and putting in chemicals, I was at the last step. Phew. Almost done. But. I poured in the wrong one. A green one instead of blue. 

"Umm Sophie?" Jensi whispered from the right. The mixture started to bubble up and smoking. This was bad. Really bad. Miss Galvin came over to see what was going on, and with one look at the green murky chemical, she panicked. 

"Miss Foster!" Before I had a chance to respond, the chemical exploded and filled the classroom with green. I moaned. My hand stung and my eyesight was bad now. I rubbed my eyes and got a look at Miss Galvin. She was covered with green from head to toe-including the hair. Uh-oh. 

"Miss, I'm so sorry-" 

"OUT MISS FOSTER! Oh, go to the healing centre and get treated." 

"Should I come back?" I should not have asked that question. 

"NO." Great. I really messed up. 


It took me a while to find the healing centre, but I did, and I was super grateful for it. I pushed open the door, and ended up face to face with Elwin. 

"Sophie! Back again?" I scrawled and nodded. Huh. It seemed like ages ago when I first came here. 

"Now what happened?" 

"Ummm.. in chemistry, Imighthaveexplodedthechemicalsanddestroyedmissgalvin'shair." I said it really fast, flushing. 


"I exploded something in chemistry and destroyed Miss Galvin's hair." Elwin laughed. I frowned. Why was he laughing?

"Her HAIR?" 


"It is her most prized possession!"

"Yeah I've heard."

"Wish I was there to see that. Anyways, are you hurt?"

"Umm just a burn." He checked my burn, and decided that it was not a bad one. Thank god. He put some cream on it, and carefully wrapped it. 

"Just a mild burn. You're all set! Free to go."


"Pleasure." I pushed open the door again and faced the problems. 

1: I am starting to make friends. Unacceptable.

2: Got to stop with the injuries.

3: I made one of the worst teachers-or I think hate me at my first class. 

Woah. I guess one problem at a time. 

Hi readers!!! Thank you so much for reading this story! Have you liked it so far? I put some quotes in there if you guys can spot them! Comments are welcome! It would help a lot!!! Lol🥰


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