Chapter 12

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Fitz's POV (Going to make him a serious jerk in this chapter. Sorry if Keefe's a bit un-Keefe.)

Yesterday they announced the Prom Queen nominees. It was their day. And today will be mine. 

I'm going to make the Prom King nominee, and further more to the actual Prom King. I mean, literally, the girls swoon over me, and I know Sophie does too. 

I stepped into the halls of Foxfire, and immediately searched for the poster. I knew I would be there. I mean, I am a VACKER. 

There I saw it, taped onto the wall between Ms.Belva and Mr. Tiergan's classroom. I rushed to see it, and I saw my name proudly written on top of the list. Obviously. I see Keefe's name below, and surprisingly, Tam's too. I search for other names, but it's only us 3. Omg I am going to win this. 

After the intriguing classes I had where I swear I had a lot of admirers staring at me, I met with Keefe and Biana in the halls. 

"Whats up Fitzy?" Keefe asked, smirking. Biana smiled, and waved. 

"I'm going to be the Prom King!" I shouted, no, sorry, squealed. Keefe's smirk vanished, and so did Biana's smile. 

"Okay, first-did you just squeal?" Biana asked skeptically. I flushed. 

"Second, Bangsboy and I stand as much as chance as you do Fitzy." Keefe snapped. Gosh, I never heard him snap before. What was wrong?

"Huh, Keefe you gotta be kidding me. You KNOW I'm going to win. I'm a Vacker. I-"

"Just because you have rich, famous, and nice parents does NOT mean that you are superior than us Fitz." Keefe said, deadly serious. He was mad. Why? I mean I AM A VACKER. 

"What? Are you jealous that you have worser parents than me?" I sneered. I can see Keefe was holding back some violence. What was wrong with him?

Biana bit her lip, and did the most unexpected thing-ever. 

She slapped me. In the halls. Where thousands were watching. They all turned and stared. I flushed, and Biana turned pink. Keefe's mouth dropped open. 

"WHAT THE HELL BIANA!" I shouted. Biana didn't flinch when she said this:

"You being a Vacker, does not mean that you are better than others. I'll make sure mom and dad hears about this; they won't be happy. Nor our friends. Isn't that right Keefe?" My mouth dropped open. How dare she. 

"What? Oh yes. I'm SURE Foster would love to hear about this. See ya!" He gave a salute, and walked out of the halls, Biana following suit. The students gaped at me, and then went back to their own business. 

My vision breamed with anger, and I took deep breaths to stop me raging. But it was not enough. I ran away from the halls, but only to be stopped by Tam Song. Oh no. He looked really angry. 

"I heard what you said." 

I gulped. "Yeah. I thought you never cared about the Prom King." 

"That's right-I don't. But I don't like the way you thought you were better than us, and totally was mean to Sencen. I might not like him, but it was a bit, no, a lot over the line." He said, almost sliently. I will admit. I was scared. He was scary. But what was scarier, came on later. 


I turn and see Linh. Surely the sweet girl wouldn't do much, right?

"I heard you said somethings about parents." Uh-oh. 

"Yeah. Linh, you got to admit-"

"What? That your parents are better? Or that the Vackers will be always superior?" 

I nod, but this time, I am more than scared. 

"Okay." I perk up. What did I just hear? I flash my movie-star smile. 

"You'll have no friends then." She turned on her heels, and walked away, Tam next to her. 

I stay there, shocked. My mouth hung open, I must look very stupid. Then a realization dawns upon me. 

 I lost Keefe, Biana, my best friend and sister, Tam and Linh. Who will I lose next? What have I done... why did I keep the Vacker legacy? 

Hi everyone! I updated! YAY!!! I hope you liked this chapter. I know there was a lot of drama coming in, but I needed it to make the plot happen. 

Pls vote and comment if you like the story so far, or if you have any suggestions!!!! 😁😁

Thank you so much for reading!!!!

Fresh Start(KOTLC Human AU)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें