*6x assaulting a police officer.
*4x caught graffitiing the courthouse.
* 12x speeding tickets
*3x illegal street racing
*2x suspect in a murder case
*5x caught will alcohol underage.
*6 months in juvenile jail for stabbing a man 5 times in the hands for "touching her"

After we finished reading her criminal record me and Damon just look at each other with wide eyes. I don't think we know what to think or say. Next thing I know Damon threw his head back and laughed "She's gonna be just like Marco" Damon continued to laugh while I give him a horrified look. Now don't get me wrong I love Marco but that boy is literally crazy he is always getting in trouble. Oh my satan how am I gonna live with these 2 under the same roof?
There's either gonna kill each other or tear the house down.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
After Damon and I arrive at her school, where the police officer we spoke to met us, we were how do I put this? Concerned? Yes, that's the word, there was kids making out and smoking those vape pens and smoking pot across the parking lot.

We were getting weird stares but we kept walking. When we got to the Office, the Desk lady was being very flirty and honestly, it made both my son and myself uncomfortable so we kept walking until we saw the door with "Principal" on it. We obviously didn't knock, knocking is for bitches.

We walked in and we saw a kid talking very fast like he was scared, some girl was beating the shit out of this other girl, I wish I could see that but the name Octavia was brought up. Damon and I looked at each other concerned.
The officer escorted us to have a seat which we did to avoid a conflict right now. When the principal finally stopped talking to the kid he called "Octavia Antonov" to the office, rambling about how she can never stay out of trouble.

When he looked up he saw us and looked startled for a moment then realized why we were here and for a moment he looked sympathetic then nervous when he looked us in the eyes.
We learned his name is Mr. Kenny and we asked him to tell us about her and I don't know what I was expecting. "We'll Mr.Romano it is a pleasure to meet you and your son, Miss Octavia is how did I put this.... rebellious, crazy, humorous but emotionless, cold and dark. She is really smart but she gets into fights a lot almost every day. Actually, she's on her way here right now because of one" we continued to stare at him so he understood to keep talking. "Octavia is a straight-A student, the only problem is she misses a lot of school days, I honestly don't know how her grades are so good and she's a little violent." When he said that the officer beside us scoffed and we all looked at him, that's when we noticed his left eye is black and blue and his nose looks broken and also bruised then he proceeded to lift his shirt so we could see his bruised torso and his broken pinky... Im speechless.

I looked over at the principal and he then said "Sorry maybe a lot more than just a little violent. But officer you obviously had to of done something to provoke her she doesn't just fight for absolutely no reason."
The officer looked away and it got quiet and I was wondering when the hell she was gonna get here it's been 20 minutes and as soon as the thought flew through my mind the door was busted open.

She had beautiful brown and blue eyes and her hair was at least mid-back length with platinum blonde in it. She was tall and absolutely beautiful. I kept thinking she couldn't have done all these things they keep saying but I knew it was all true because of the authoritative aura she has and as soon as she opened her mouth. 

She looked around a moment until her eyes stopped at the police officer and she said "I didn't do shit, You do not have shit on me Tobias, and I'll be damned if you hand-cuff me again, it has already been 4 times this week. and I will fight back." I was surprised, looking at Damon and I don't know if he was more amused or shocked but I noticed he had gotten his voice recorder on his phone and I just knew we were gonna show the family it later.

We both looked at her like she was crazy and I mean arrested 4 times in 1 week? When she turned back around she was talking about graffitiing courthouses and beating up a Bitchney? I'm guessing that's the fight that just happened by her cut-up knuckles. When Mr.Kenny was informing her of her aunt and uncles death it made my heart flutter how she rudely interrupted to say they weren't her parents but as soon as he finished his sentence I didn't know how to feel as she was laughing so hard about the fact that they're dead.

But my heart clenched in pain when she didn't know she had real biological parents and biological brothers and I could tell Damon was hurt too.

Mr. Kenny told her to turn around and she did after grumbling something I didn't catch. As soon as she turned around and looked at me she looked at me blankly. She had no emotion on her face. For a moment I thought I saw something but it was nothing. she finally got up and was just staring at me so I introduced myself to her " Hi Tesoro I'm your father Lorenzo. You can call me whatever you're comfortable with" (italian translation- treasure) I ended with a smile but she still just looked at me blankly then at Damon so he introduced himself as well "Hello Sorella I am your oldest brother Damon, we've missed you a lot" (italian translation- sister) Damon said softly, I saw an emotion flicker through her eyes again and for a moment I thought I saw pain. Why would it be pain?
She introduced herself too "As you know I'm Octavia Antonov" she replied emotionlessly, maybe even coldly.  she then walked out and Damon and I followed her like lost puppies. I feel powerless right now maybe even vulnerable.
I wonder how she feels.

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