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alright, it's clear that before you start reading this chapter, I need to apologize. god there is no way I can really write this without sounding like some half assed excuse. the last month has been fucking hectic. this shall be shown in dot points cuz I'm lazy .

My sisters getting married, as her sister I've been helping her with plans and shit.

Mental health, not much to say here, been feeling pretty shit.

My laptop decided to give up on life. I finished writing this on a school laptop.

School, it's school. I'm in year twelve, this year I actually have to study.

I also had no idea how to write this and my motivation just completely evaporated in January, still figuring that shit out

I really hope this makes up for how long I left you all in the dark (it probably doesn't lol.)

so in my leave I have decided to create a lil ol sheet explaining the lore behind 'states' cuz obviously their are some characters in this Au, who are referred to as states, that aren't really states like west and east Germany.

anyway this is long enough and I know you've probably just skipped over this to read the chapter that I've been holding out on for a fucking long time. I will see you at the end of this chapter.

November 9 1939

' with recent events in Geneva, that lead to both countries committing acts of crime that go against the Geneva convention. The British empire has declared war on the nation of Australia.'

"Oh, shit."

This really wasn't good at all

"You're in for it now."

He threw his head against the table, creating a loud thud. He was going to war, with a country that his people thought very highly of, a country who up until now, has had a very high amount of control over his citizens and what they do and think.

"I'm fucked."

He said dryly, raising his hands to move away a fork proding into the side of his head. Italy just laughed, finishing his glass of wine and wiping away fake tears

"Ofcourse you're fucked, you picked a fight with a world power, surely you didn't expect to get out of it scot free."

Australia moved his head to glare at Italy in a half joking, half serious death stare.

"I'm going to go get a drink."

He pushed his chair back, absently walking over to the bar. Italy called something out to him, but with the amount of thoughts swirling through his mind, he didn't hear it.

When he returned to the table, the pint of beer, that he'd gotten on the house for sympathy reasons, was already half empty and he was sculling the rest.

"Aus, are you sure you should be drinking that fast?"

Italy questioned, he was looking up at him, watching as he harshly placed an empty glass onto the table. The two of them stayed silent for a few seconds, neither one really knowing how to go about starting a conversation. The radio was playing behind them, going over the details of current world issues, including him.

"I'm going to go get another drink."

Australia shifted his feet quickly walking back towards the bar, leaving Italy alone again.

He woke up, tired and cold, his head ached and he felt like throwing up. Not wanting to hurl over himself, He hurriedly pushed his body off of the ground and towards the nearest wall, everything around him was spinning, swirling together into a nauseating blur. To make things better, a sharp high pitched ringing buzzed around his ear, intensifying his pulsing headache. He leaned against the wall, staring at the tiled floor, his hand raised firmly over his mouth to keep everything inside. He stayed like that for a while, it felt like hours for his dizziness to subside, but when it did he immediately felt a lot better, he didn't feel like he was constantly on the verge of throwing up and he could focus on his surroundings. He was no less than surprised to realise he had been sleeping in the middle of a hallway.

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