The After 'party'

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"Everyone here has fought in this war so everyone will put their signature on the treaty, afterwards you can head outside for refreshments. Germany you will be escorted out of France."
"God, that room was stuffy, it feels good to get out of there."
The second Australia and New Zealand had signed the treaty they had left the room and headed towards the gardens where the refreshments had been promised. Several other countries were already gathered there indulging in conversations and laughter. Australia had stopped walking letting New Zealand crash into him.
"What the hell did you do that for!"
New Zealand yelled, taking a few steps back, straightening out her clothes.
"I didn't do anything! You ran into me"
"Yeah because you stopped walking"
Australia looked at her a fake frown growing on his face
"I was grabbing a smoke you could have gone around."
The two stared at each other, New Zealand looking irritated while Australia lit his cigarette and placed it in his mouth. Neither of them initially noticed the country making his way toward the two of them until he was speaking.
"You two need to start acting your age. That was an important meeting and for the entirety of it you two were either chatting away or kicking each other under the seats."
The two siblings, spooked, frantically jumped away from the new arrival, ready to run before realising it was just Italy casting them an unapproving look.
"In our defence it went on for over an hour."
Australia nodded in agreement, slipping his cigarettes and lighter back into his pocket.
"No one finds meetings like that entertaining but they're a vital piece for every country."
Italy scolded, shaking his head as he looked between both of them.
"Mate if every country means France and Britain, then yeah you're completely right. But bloody hell I know you aren't."
Italy just sighed at Australia's sentence, casting them one last shameful look before walking over to imperial Japan
"He seemed stressed... did he seem stressed to you?"
Australia ripped his attention away from Italy and Japan as they conversed, spinning towards his sister, a cigarette box held out in front of him in an offering way. New Zealand looked at them before shaking her head, Australia shrugged, tucking them back into his coat pocket.
"You know it wouldn't be stress, more like anger and it probably wasn't directed at us."
New Zealand hummed her eyes darting around for any reason to get angry
"It might just be he's pissed about the treaties harsh terms,"
"I doubt it. But he's definitely different "
"Well you can ask him, I'm going to go greet Canada and ame's."
New Zealand slightly shoved Australia in the direction of Italy before scurrying off towards the wide glass doors where the two brothers chatted away.

"So they cheated you out of land?"
"Pretty much."
The conversation between Italy and Japan quickly died out as Australia approached them. They gave each other a weird look before greeting him.
"G-day Japan, Italy."
"Hello Australia, what brings you over here."
Japan greeted, slightly bowing before offering a handshake, which Australia happily took.
"Just want to talk to you, it's been a long time since we had the chance."
"Everything's going as well as it can be, after a 4 year long war."
Italy let out a slight chuckle
"It has been pretty rough."
Australia turned towards Italy, questions on his mind. This country was usually carefree and fun, why did he seem so serious and closed off? It wasn't like him at all.
"Hey, Italy are you ok?"
Italy looked up at him with a confused expression over his face, he took it as a sign of worry and decided he may as well offer something to let the country lighten up. So he pulled out a cigarette.
"Either of you want one?"
"What the hell. You know those things are bad for you"
Japan replied, disappointedly looking at Australia, although he still took the cigarette from his hand.
"Jap, we both know that's just superstition."
He replied, a grin spread across his face as he handed over his lighter. He shifted his attention from Japan back onto Italy, pulling out another cigarette. Before he could ask, Italy was shaking his head, facing away from him so he tucked the cigarette back into its box.
"Now tell me what's happened. Why are you acting like Britain?"
"Who told you I was acting like Britain?!?"
Japan let out a loud laugh, wiping fake tears away from his face as he struggled to let out a sentence
"Damn Italy! You must have stooped real low for a country to compare you to the British empire!"
Japan cried out, still uncontrollably laughing.
Italy stood defensively, flashing back between a hysterical Japan and a slightly worried, mostly cheerful australia.
"I'm not acting like Britain, okay, everything's fine."
Australia just stared at him unimpressed, now he definitely knew something was wrong. He crossed his arm straightening his posture as he waited for Italy to give in and tell him what was wrong. Both Italy and Japan noticed and looked at each other , sharing a silent conversation he wasn't invited to. Italy finally let out a sigh.
"Look, I was promised more land than what I got. That land was the main reason I got involved in the war. Britain didn't hold up his end of the deal."
Australia scoffed rolling his eyes
"Of course he didn't. He's not trustworthy. But it happens to everyone, don't let him piss you off, nothing good comes from that."
With that said he took his cigarette and stomped it out.
"We'll I've got to go greet other people.haven't even talked to my brother yet, but hey I'll see you too around."
He gave a final salute, twisting around and padding over to a table littered with different sandwiches and treats. Standing in a circle where his three siblings sharing jokes and laughs.
"Oh hey aus! It's been too long."
America ran up to him wrapping the taller country in a tight bear hug
"Get the fuck off me I talked to you on the way over!"
He yelled out, fake malice set in his tone. He attempted to push his older brother off of him with no real success, so he turned to New Zealand and Canada who both turned away blatantly ignoring him. America eventually let go of him returning to his rants about random topics.
"Hey do you two mind if me and Australia go real quick? I want to get a drink but don't want to get caught in a conversation by myself."
New Zealand spoke up, interrupting America's conversation on the different countries he'd take on in a fight. Canada looked up from the sandwich he was nibbling to shake his head.
"I don't mind, conversation can be horrible if you don't know the person you're talking to."
"Thank you, come on, Aus let's go get a drink."
New Zealand grabbed his arm, dragging him away from the crowds of people and the beverages.

"Ok what is this?"
He asked, arms folded around each other as he watched New Zealand check to make sure no one would hear their conversation.
"Ok first of all, hand me your cigarettes."
"What why?"
New Zealand just and held out her hand
"Just do it."
Australia, although not wanting to, begrudgingly grasped his box of cigarettes and dumped them in New Zealand's awaiting hand but she didn't withdraw it.
"Now tell me wh-"
"And the lighter."
Australia groaned out dramatically, dumping the small item into her hands next to the cigarettes. She took her hand away pocketing the items.
"Now tell why we're hiding behind a bush and why you took my cigs."
"Alright. I took your 'cigs' away because you reek of them and it's the third one you've had today. I'm sick of smelling that shit it's bad enough that you and ame smoked out the taxi. And I dragged you behind a bush because I really didn't want Italy to hear spill his little secret."
Australia just looked at her trying to comprehend what she was asking. New Zealand silently deadpanned before blurting out.
"Why the hell is Italy acting weird!"
"Oh. It's just because Britain cheated him out of territory."
Australia blurted out nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Really, did he seriously do that?"
" yeah."
Australia replied instinctively reaching into his pocket to grab a cigarette forgetting newzealand had taken them away
"That bitch!"
"Can we leave the bushes now? I actually do want to go get a drink."
New Zealand took a deep breath in before nodding.
"Yeah sure."

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