Treaty of Versailles

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November 11 1918
Men,women and children rejoice as the 4 year long war comes to an end as Germany signs the armistice stating battle over land, sea and air must come to a ceasefire


"Zeal you packed, we need to head to the palace of Versailles now! We've got to be there in time to sign this treaty!"
Australia yelled out holding the front door open to drag his luggage through, he was just about to move the door closed as he caught a glimpse of New Zealand dash around the lounge room hallway.
"If we're late it'll be your fault!"
He yelled dropping his bag to keep the door agape.
"I don't think we can afford to miss this signing"
He stated as New Zealand frantically ran past him making her way inside the taxi australia following suit right behind her.

The trip over whent Farley slow as the two of them thought back on the past four years they spent protecting an entirely different continent and the things they sacrificed doing it. Soon they'd arrive at the English Channel.
"Hey aus."
Australia turned his head away from the water.looking into the shallow blue eyes of his sister
"Are we going to talk to him?"
"Talk to who."
New Zealand paused breathing in a deep sigh.
Australia was fully turned away from the sea now, shoving his hands into his pockets and pulling out a box of cigarettes, he offered one to New Zealand. He  lit both of them before answering her question
"I'm not going too, but I won't interfere if you will."
"Thanks,I think it's a little rude if we blatantly ignore him. He is still our dad."
Australia let out a puff of cigarette smoke as he sighed.
"Yeah I almost forgot that detail, but you know it has been pretty hectic lately."
New Zealand snorted at the reply. She lightly shoved Australia, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
"Yeah it has been pretty busy. You know with everyone fucking dyeing."
"HAH, I wonder what germanys got to say about that!"
New Zealand let out an ahem moving back to give herself space to move around, and in a terrible German account she mocked the country
"I, Germany, do not hold accountable for the deaths in other countries. Zine's innocent! It vas self defence!"
"PFF hahaha!"
Australia's outburst of laughter rang out across the English channel and lingered in the air.
"God this is going to be amazing, like popping a zit, it's a huge sigh of relief."
He sputtered out after his laughter had died down. He put out his cigarette and threw it overboard as New Zealand walked back towards him.
"I'm going to head inside now. We'll be arriving soon and I have to get my shit packed up."
Australia threw a teasing punch at New Zealand's shoulder as he walked past her and entered the boat's cabin.
"See you in France zeal!"

The two of them, luggage in hand, walked down the ramp of the boat and onto hard solid ground
"Feels good to be back on land"
Australia sighed, raising his hands well above his head in a large stretch.
"Onto the last part of our journey before Versailles, can't wait"
New Zealand spoke sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she moved off the dock. Australia raced to catch up to her smug expression on his face.
"I wonder who's gonna be there. Hey wait, what are you going to say to Britain again, you never told me."
New Zealand turned towards her brother's shit eating grin.
"I was only planning on greeting him"
Australia's grin dropped.
"Really mate, not even a single insult. Guess I'll have to do it myself."
The two of them walked up the port and onto the streets. They were about to step into a taxi when a smooth loud voice called out behind them, when they turned around both of them were faced with a red, blue and white flag racing to catch up to them.
"God, you two walk too fast."
The country panted, back bent over and hands on his knees in an attempt to catch his breath. Anyone walking past the three of them would assume they had just run across the world and back, not a couple of meters from the bay.
Australia spoke up first, his voice laced with confusion.
"America, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you have been in Versailles yesterday?"
"I missed the sail across the channel."
"Britains not with you, is he?"
New Zealand spoke this time taking the country's bags and shoving them inside the taxi. America looked up at her sweat running down his cheek.
"Dad? Nah he left a week ago. He wanted some alone time with France."
He giggled to himself at the mention of the European countries. The three of them climbed inside the taxi, paid the driver and told him where they were going. After five minutes of sitting in silence America spoke up hoping to spark a conversation.
"So the war's over, how do you think germanys going to react when he hears the conditions of the treaty?"
"We don't know, neither of us had a part in deciding the agreements."
Australia spoke, voice sour and uninterested. Newzealand nodded her head confirming Australia's comment.
"He's right, we didn't play an 'important' role in the war so we weren't trusted with them."
"Oh uhh sorry."
America's eyes dropped to the ground, focusing on the floor as the awkward silence slowly took over again.
"... you know France can be really brutal when she's mad."
New Zealand turned towards America who sat awkwardly crushed between her and australia.
"Yeah, she went wild with rules. It's honestly a bit scary, she demanded that when Germany sees the treaty thier will be no changes made."
Australia rolled his eyes, arms crossed as he sat leaning on the side of the taxi.
"Great. That means it's really fair on Germany's part."
"Yeah, it's not. Not at all"
America Shook his head picking at the excess skin on his nails, his eyes staying glued to the carpeted floor.
"Just don't go screaming when you hear them, not everyone's gonna like them, but it's the best we could manage with the predicament we're all in. So just put up with it ok."
"Sounds cheerful."

"The treaty of peace between allied and associated powers, and Germany, the protocol annexed thereto, the agreement respecting the military occupation of the territories of the Rhine and the treaty between France and Great Britain respecting assistance to France in the event of unprovoked aggression by Germany."
Australia, New Zealand and 30 other countries sat around each other as Britain read out the treaty of peace. He stood at the front in between everyone else glancing up at Germany as he continued reading.

(I'm not rewriting the entire treaty for fanfic. btw that shits like 200 pages long so I'm massively shortening it. If there's a problem, go to war.)

"the terms have been split into three groups."
Britain spoke, his shoulders held high as he turned to the country sitting beside him. The country looked up at him and in a heavily accented voice stated.
"The first, territorial, concludes that Alsace-Lorraine will be returned to my land, France. Germany is forbidden to unite with Austria. The lands in east Germany including the farmlands of Posen and the polish corridor between east Germany and east Prussia are to be given to Poland. Saar is to be claimed by me for the next fifteen years. all of Germany's colonies are to be taken and divided between me and Britain as mandates."
Australia sat silently, mouth agape as France continued listing the different territorial conditions. He slightly shifted in his seat catching the same jaw dropping expression on his sister's face. She turned to him and whispered into his ear.
"They sure don't want another German empire running around."
He turned to face New Zealand making sure his voice was soft enough no one else heard
"Maybe that's for the best. A lot of people died, if this prevents a Second World War then I think I can handle it."
"Pff I thought you wanted one to beat the shit out of Britain."
Australia was about to respond when a shoulder was abruptly jabbed into the side of his rib. He turned over to glare at the country only to be met with an irritated Italy, blank multi-colored eyes staring right into his sole. Italy rose his hand to his mouth in a shushing motion before focusing his attention back on America, who had begun reading out about the military terms. Australia looked back at Newzealand who shrugged and turned away, he gazed back over to the current country speaking absently scratching marks into the table as the meeting continued on.
"The German army will be restricted to 100,000 men, the navy can now only have 6 battleships, no submarines are to be used and there is to be no airforce allowed. Lastly, The Rhineland is to be demilitarised."
America placed the sheets of paper he was holding down onto the table and nodded at Britain to continue on with the financial and economic terms.
"Germany will pay reprimandations, the price of which will be decided on a later date. On top of this Germany will not be allowed access to the League of Nations. You'll also pledge responsibility for the loss and damage caused by the war."
Britain sifted through a pile of papers pulling one out and placing it in front of germany.
"Nothing in the treaty is open for change. It's all already been finalised ."
He turned around to look at the other countries sitting down in the room.
"Everyone here has fought in this war so everyone will put their signature on the treaty, afterwards you can head outside for refreshments. Germany you will be escorted out of France."

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