worse paths

420 12 25

November 3 1939

'At the palace of nations, in a supposedly peaceful meeting arranged to strategize ways to handle recent disputes between the hostile nation Germany, and the ongoing war in Europe. Things took a turn, Involving unprovoked acts of hate against the British empire, it's unclear weather or not things will turn south, and lead to another major war involving a European country.'

He pushed open the door sliding inside the room, almost every country inside turned their heads to him, expecting to see him drag a disgruntled Australia behind him. Their awaiting expression turned into worry when all they saw was an out of breath USA stumbling over towards a small group of countries consisting of Switzerland, the league of nations, France, New Zealand, Canada and the British empire.

New Zealand was the first one to speak up when he arrived.

"He ran off, didn't he?"

He nodded, catching his breath before replying.

"Yeah I lost him in the gardens."

"What are we supposed to do now? Surely you won't just let him get away with this."

Britain perked up directing his question at the League of Nations and Switzerland. He sat down at the end of a row of seats, dried blood clung to his face and stained the white button shirt he had tucked underneath a jet black blazer.

"I think in the end, the decision comes down to you, you can choose to go down a peaceful path and let this whole incident slide over. Or you can risk the lives of millions and declare war."

The League looked down at Britain, he had a serious expression on his face as he stared deep into Britain's soul.

"Just keep in mind, Britain, the only real injuries you received from that fight was a broken nose and a swollen eye. Is that something you truly believe is worth going to war over?"

Switzerland spoke up, breaking the two from their silent conversation.

"Whatever you decide to do, I'll support you through it all."

France gently nudged Britain's arm looking down at him.

The conversation continued for a while, but he wasn't too involved, only making a comment here and there. He had too many thoughts running through his mind. His siblings weren't independent countries, if Britain was going to declare war they would have to fight beside him. Looking up at the two of them, he could tell they were thinking the same thing. His heart sank further when he centered his attention on his sister. Her eyes were scrunched up in worry and regret, staring blankly at the ground. Her body was tensed up, her shoulders clinging stiffly to the side of her body. She must have noticed him because her eyes darted from the floor to glare at him. Put on the spot he just smiled back hoping the small action would help reassure her.

He pressed the side of his face on the cold, hard surface hoping to listen in to the conversation happening on the other side of the door.

"He's not a bad person and probably the last country you would have to worry about double crossing you."

"I've only talked to him once. Why should I trust him? Because you do?"

He knew exactly who was talking on the other side of the door, it was Italy and the third Reich. They were most likely talking about him, although he couldn't guess why.

"I'm just saying, he's not a weak country even if he hasn't been around long."

"I don't get what you see in that guy, he's nothing more than a misplaced colony."

His eyes went wide and he had to force himself not to slam open the door and cuss out both of them.

"What is wrong with you! Australia's not some misplaced colony, you don't have any right to say he is."

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