An unwelcome guest

346 7 19

October 6, 1939
'Poland has officially surrendered to Germany and the USSR. The country in question will be divided in half with the west becoming German territory and the east belonging to the Soviet Union. there is suspicion that the Third Reich's next invasion will be towards France'

Australia sat down on his couch with a plate of food on the table beside him. He sat silently, listening to the radio as it blared on about what was taking place in Europe. He took a bite of his meal, muttering to himself as he listened to what the news reports were saying.

"Who cares how long Poland lasted. 35 days? What a shame. The USSR and Germany? Working together? Bullshit"

He stopped talking to himself when someone knocked rather hard on his front door. He leaned over to turn off the radio as the door knocked again.

"WHAT!" He pushed himself off the couch and stormed over to the front entrance.

Australia slammed it open to find a shorter blue, red and white country standing outside. He snarled, moving to shut the door again before he could, the country had moved his foot to stop him.

"Son, I insist you let me inside, I have something rather important to discuss with you."

Australia stared at him once more before begrudgingly moving aside. Britain walked through the entrance. He took his hat off, placing it on one of the awaiting hooks on the wall. Both of the countries moved into the house, Britain opting to sit down on one of the couches as Australia walked past him towards the kitchen.

He returned a few minutes later with a cup in both hands, placing them on the coffee table and sitting down on the couch opposite Britain. "What's so important you need to talk to me about?"

Britain leaned forward over the coffee table to take his cup of tea, quickly recoiling in disgust when he realised it was coffee. Australia just grinned at him.
" I believe we should wait for New Zealand before we discuss this."

Australia's grin dropped and he returned to scowling at the older country. "Zeal moved out. She found a place in Wellington a week ago."

"Oh." Britain shuffled slightly uncomfortable under the harsh glare of Australia.

"Well then. I'm sure you've heard about Poland, i'd like to discuss a-"

"No." Australia cut in, taking a sip of the coffee he had picked up off the table.

Britain looked at him bewildered.

"I'm sorry, no?" Britain shook his head, dumbfounded at Australia's quick response.
He let out a cough clearing his voice as he regrouped his thoughts. "Listen son. This is in your best interest."

Australia banged his mug on the table, rising to his feet. "Don't FUCKING lie to ME! I am NOT in the MOOD!"

"Don't use that language, son, it's not an appropriate way to speak. And what right do you have to accuse me of lying." Britain said calmly, crossing his feet as he studied Australia's movements.

"What right? WHAT RIGHT! I have every right! I know how you treat your allies! I know you never keep your word and I know you leave everyone in the dust the second it threatens you!"

"Now that is just the furthest you could get from the truth, what proof do you have of any of those statements?" Britain responded, irritation starting to seep into his tone.

He looked up at Australia whose eyes were screwed up in disgust and anger, his fists clamped at his side and mouth drawn back into a snarl showing his clenched teeth.

"Tell me, did you give military aid to Czechoslovakia when Germany invaded them?
"Well no-."

"Did you give Poland ANY help when they were cornered on all sides?"

"N-no." Britain stuttered, beads of sweat running down his face as he struggled to compose himself. His patience was running thin and Australia shouting about his actions was making it run thinner

"And what about Italy? As far as I'm concerned he joined the first world war on the promise of a gain in territory. Did he get that?"

Britain rose to his feet moving closer to Australia as he shouted, "Of Course he did, I'm a man of my word! And I will not stand to listen to you belittle me with your false accusations." He waved his hands around in accordance with his words. "You also aren't the best ally either. Don't think I've forgotten about your miserable defeat in Turkey."


Australia's fist made contact with the side of Britain's head, knocking him to the ground. Britain grasped the side of his face in his hands as he looked up at Australia's rage full expression.

"You don't belong in my fucking country. GET THE HELL OUT!" He whipped his hand up pointing towards the front door.

Britain rose to his feet, brushing off his wrinkled suit. He reluctantly headed to the main door stopping underneath the door frame.

He looked back at Australia who was watching him like a hawk. "There was one last thing I needed to tell you."

Australia ground his teeth, unable to stand another second with the country in his house. "What is it?"

Britain rubbed his bruising cheek regretting stepping foot on the front lawn. "The League of Nations is holding a meeting in Europe to discuss what to do about Germany's recent actions."

He leaned over to the left, grasping his hat and pulling it off the hook it was resting on. Britain placed the hat delicately on his head. He looked back at Australia continuing his sentence. "As a founding member you're legally obliged to attend."

He finished speaking, twisting around and walking out of the house, off the Verandah, down the footpath and into an awaiting taxi.

He threw the untouched cup of coffee into the sink, watching it shatter into small shards. He stormed back into the living room and landed on the couch with a hard thud. Australia wiped away a loose tear and turned the radio back on. He sat there for a while letting the random voices fill the silent void of the empty house.

"Should I bother going?" He asked, not directly at anyone, he was sitting by himself, alone, in his house. "Maybe I'd see New Zealand... she probably doesn't want to see me. What about Italy? Would he be there? No he left the league didn't he."

The tears building up in his eyes were beginning to fall like raindrops in a storm

"Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh with Britain. No, he had it coming."

The tears were falling faster now. The sounds of his sobs blocking out the radio, the noise echoing around the room. "I don't want to go. I shouldn't go."

He wiped a tear away falling back onto the couch, rolling over to stare up at the roof.

"Maybe I'll just go to Europe, have a chat with the League of Nations about leaving, and go visit Italy or something." He left out a long exhausted sight rubbing his eyes to get rid of any remaining tears. As he began to quiet down the radio, that was still murmuring on, started to fill the room once again.

'-with this, it's beginning to look like the war could be the beginning of a devastating repeat of the 1914-1918 war...What does this mean for the collective nation of Australia? With recent debates and disagreements the relationships between our country and the British empire have collapsed. This leaves the question, will we be joining the war? If we will, which countries will we be fighting beside?-.'

Australia rolled his eyes releasing a wet chuckle. "Join the war. Yeah right."

He let out another small humourless giggle, repositioning himself to stare at his untouched meal sitting on the coffee table. The food would have been cold by now, forgotten when he was rudely interrupted by an unwelcome visitor.

' 3 months remain .'

I'm sorry about the long wait.
I've had writers block, don't worry tho! I've gotten over it so chapters should be coming out faster again.
Also thankyou to stormyandsandy for editing the chapter.

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