bad choices

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The meeting dragged on for hours, discussing and planning how they would go about the problems Germany was causing. To him though, he could only hear the shit talking taking place underneath everyone's breath. No one here was paying attention, the entire thing was just a giant gossip group. He stared out blankly in front of him, listening in to the occasional comment or question.

"Following that, I'd like to talk about the actions you two have taken towards Poland's invasion"

It was the League that spoke up, he was talking to Britain and France. Australia shuffled in his seat, slightly focusing more on what was happening around him.

"I don't think that's necessary."

Britain replied in a calm, even tone, France who sat beside him nodded her head in agreement. The residual anger storming around Australia's mind was growing, bubbling and spilling in the small bottle he kept it in.

"Britain, France, your actions against Germany are bringing everyone here one step closer to another world wide war."
The League stated his hand held out moving across the room, pointing out to the countries sitting there.

"Our choices don't have any effect on others, if a country wishes to fight it's, on their own accord. our decision to act on Germany's behaviour should not be persuading anyone in any way."

The bottle was breaking with every word that left Britain's mouth. The country's calm and rational tone irritated him. to his ears, Britain sounded so full of himself, so sure that every word leaving his mouth was the right answer. Australia clenched his jaw, digging his nails into the table in front of him. He shook his legs violently trying to stop himself from screaming out. It didn't work, The conversation between the two superpowers and the League died out as soon as he raised himself to his feet.

With everyone's gaze locked on him he screamed out, voice drowned in hatred and venom as he targeted his words towards Britain.

"Shouldn't be persuading us! LOOK AROUND FUCK HEAD. The majority of the countries here fought in the great war and a majority of those fucking countries only joined because YOU FORCED THEM TO!"

Britain rose to his feet, his chair falling to the ground behind him.

"You don't have any right to use that language in a meeting Australia! Sit back down."

Others were standing up now, moving out of their seats and shouting in a hopeless attempt to defuse the situation.

"NO! NOT UNTIL SOMETHING GOES THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULLED HEAD! Honestly have you never stopped to wonder WHY this megalomaniac country seized control of Germany!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs, the words sour as they left his mouth.

Forcibly, he shoved his way past countries making it out into the walkway. Most of the people in the room were either standing up or shouting at both him and Britain. He was gathering a crowd, whether they were supporting his words or not, he didn't care, how could he, his mind was too busy swirling bitterness and fury around to focus on anything other than the bruised nation standing on the raised stage, glaring down on him.

"For the love of god can you two go an hour in each other's presence without DEVOLVING EVERYTHING INTO MADNESS!"

It was the League that yelled out he was sitting in his seat beside Britain, reaching his hand out to grab a hold of him, who was storming away towards a staircase. The Country shrugged his comment off heading down the stairs and making his way towards Australia, who was shouting out insults and slurs. Shoving away anyone who dared get near him.

"Look who's decided to step off his FUCKING pedastol!"

Australia shouted, moving his arms to point at Britain. Britain, who was rolling up his sleeves, his footsteps heavy as he made his way towards Australia.

Bad choices lead to worse pathsWhere stories live. Discover now