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the title's called that because this chapters kind of like a continuation of the last chapter, believe me it'll make sense
As soon as the doors opened Australia hurriedly left his seat, rushing off the train and away from the station. He had been hopping on and off trains for two days now and almost every part of his body was aching. He hadn't thought his plan through very well and because of that he didn't have a single idea where he was supposed to be sleeping while he 'travelled'. He had spent the night at a station barely getting any sleep, he was too paranoid of creeps. He felt humiliated and disgusted, he was a country! Getting an hour of sleep on a bench in a different continent, it was infuriating and he knew exactly who to blame.

"Fucking Britain."

He ground his teeth, hands clenched into fist as he entered the streets. It was late in the day and no one was around, mainly because of the weather, it was cold, dark and wet with a promise of rain to top things off.

"I could have avoided this, if someone had let me leave the league of nations... I guess There's two people I can blame."

He muttered to himself, making his way down streets, alleys and lanes. At that moment another realisation had hit him. He had no clue where Italy lived. He knew he was in Rome, that part made sense since most, if not all, countries lived in their capital city. but he didn't know the whereabouts in Rome. He'd never been here before, he didn't know his way around and certainly couldn't read the street signs.

An hour passed before the rain started to fall. It patted down on him, soaking his clothes and seeping into his shoes, the feeling was horrible and it pissed him off. He looked miserably at the concrete path, letting out a sigh as trudged forward, stepping through the forming puddles.

The night sky cast a gloomy effect over the city streets, the dull stars illuminating off of the wet ground reflecting into the sky like a large mirror. Australia watched the road closely from the bench he sat curled up on, absently following the ripples in the water. The rain hadn't given up yet and at this point he'd stopped trying to avoid it. He sat down sluggishly on the bench, accepting his cold soggy demise. That was until a black Mercedes pulled into the gutter, front headlights blearing into the street in front of it.

The passenger door opened towards him, inside a red white and green country was splayed out over the seats, pushing the door open and motioning Australia to get inside. Australia rose to his feet racing into the car and hoping into the passenger seat.

" hey! You're soaking the seats."

The country groaned, moving in his seat to avoid the water.

"What the fuck is it with everyone picking me up off the side of the road."

Australia questioned, tugging his blazer off and ringing it out of the open door.

"So I'm not getting a thanks."

Australia rolled his eyes, placing his discarded blazer in one of the back seats and closing the car door.

"Thankyou Italy, but honestly what are the fucking chances we'd run into each other."

Australia sighed, sinking into the seat. Italy had started the engine and pulled out onto the road.

"Well, it wasn't really by chance, was it?"

Australia looked at him, tilting his head as pondered the question.

"What are you going on about?"

"I heard about Geneva, everyone has. It's all over every radio station."

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