The beginning

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He walked down the cement footpath. The flags of countries lined the path leading to the main entrance of the building. Thailand was next him chirping about chocolate and other foods they could have gotten. He wasn't paying any attention, too focused on the countries laughing with each other in front of the main entrance. The closer they got the clearer the countries were, that all shared similar patterns, each country containing blue, red and white.


Thailand asked eyebrows raised curiously.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

" You're staring at them, are you ok?"

He said pointing his hand in the direction of the countries he could now make out to be two of his three siblings and his mother.

"I'm fine, it's just been a while since I've talked to many other countries."

"Do you need me to stay or wait?"

Australia shook his head, keeping his eyes glued in front of him as he tensed his shoulders.

"No it's fine, you can go ahead."

They made their way down the path and the flights of stairs,


New Zealand screamed running down the stairs to meet him. Thailand walked past her nodding his head at France before making his way inside. New Zealand enveloped him in a tight hug, their brother joining her.

"Have you heard what happened?"

America spoke up after a few minutes, he broke away from the two of them, New Zealand doing the same. He looked at his brother worriedly, it freaked Australia out so he turned his gaze from him to focus on New Zealand.


"Someone totally FUCKED Britain over!"

New Zealand shouted a bit too loud, he let out a quiet, nervous chuckle taking a step back from the grinning country.

"W-who do you think it was?"

He stuttered, taking another step backwards almost tripping down the staircase.

"We kind of thought it was you."

America stated, readjusting the sun glasses that sat crookedly on his face. New Zealand nodded her head in agreement. A lump was growing in the back of his throat, he didn't know why, but he felt guilty and ashamed for losing his temper.

"You're nervous! You did do it, didn't you!"

New Zealand poked her finger accusingly, letting a laugh as she took a step back up the staircase. He chuckled with her, no real joy in his voice as he did. He looked behind the two laughing countries to find his mothers disappointed glare.

"We should start heading for the meeting hall, I don't want to be one of the last countries to make it inside."

The three of them looked up at their mother, nodding before making their way inside the building. Australia stayed to the back of the group ignoring his sister's light banter as he kept his eyes locked on his surroundings. He couldn't afford to miss seeing the league of nations and ending up having to attend the meeting, The place was suffocating to him, he lived in a two story house in Canberra sure it wasn't exactly common but he'd grown so use to it, being in such a large building with so many other people around was hard for him.

"You okay there Aus?"

New Zealand asked, breaking him out of his internal thoughts. She'd slowed down to stand by his side leaving America to talk with France. He hummed to show her that he'd heard her but he didn't stop looking around the rooms and halls they passed.

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