Rundowns & Promises

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I said, trying to peek over at the phone.

I swear I'm so nosy.

Mya huffed, "Nothing it's just my sister—she was traveling the world at first while getting her bachelor's degree online, but now she's coming to UCLA to get her master's," she said, and I felt slightly impressed, knowing a master's degree was challenging. "Don't get me wrong, I love her and we're really close, but she's just all over the place."

I raised a brow, "All over the place, but she's getting her master's degree?"

Mya laughed. "Not academically—she's just... all over the place relationship-wise," she said, and I could tell she was tiptoeing around her words. "Basically she fucks any and every girl, which is so fucking annoying because we could literally be eating at a restaurant and suddenly she's meeting the waitress in the bathroom for a quickie."

I scrunched up my nose, feeling disgust grow around me.

I've never been into one-night stands—I haven't even been with anyone in the first place.

The closest I got to anything like that was kissing my childhood friend, who was definitely straight.

It was awkward for a month or so, but then we laughed about it and moved onto the next boring thing happening in our small town.

"That's... she sounds intense," I said.

I'm not exactly against one nightstands, but then again, I'd have to be really down bad to have one.

I would at least rather have a connection, especially since whoever I sleep with would be my first.

"You can call her a fuck girl—I do all the time, trust me," Mya laughed, shaking her head to herself.

I genuinely wonder what it's like to just let loose for one night and do whatever you want with whoever you want.

After a few beats, Mya straightened her posture slightly, and I could easily pick up on the mood change.

She was definitely about to say something serious.

"Look, my sister fucks all my friends—she even fucked Frankie. We previously had two other girls in our group, but they fell out due to my sister, who fucked both of them at the same time. Keep in mind she was dating one of them at the time too."

"Damn!" I laughed, clasping my hand over my mouth to halt my laughter, "I... wow she really is a fuck girl," I said, my hand muffling my voice.

It seemed like she took the term fuck girl to an entirely new level.

Mya pursed her lips to hold back her laughter, nodding quickly, "Look... just don't get involved with her, okay? I really want you to stay in the group, and I really like being your friend," she said, grabbing my hands, "Getting involved with her will only leave you hurt, and I'm almost positive that you won't want to be my friend anymore due to it."

I shook my head quickly, "Seriously Mya, you have nothing to worry about. I would never get involved with her, I don't even do one-night stands, let alone have s—" I cut myself short, my cheeks growing so hot that I knew they were burning red.

Mya's dark eyes widened as she squealed to herself slightly, "You haven't had sex?!"

"Shhh," I said, covering my face in embarrassment.

Mya laughed, grabbing my hands from my face. "You don't have to be embarrassed, Ana. I wouldn't judge you," she quickly assured me. 

I nodded, smiling shyly to myself, "I just think it's weird that I'm about to be twenty, and I haven't had sex yet."

Mya shook her head. "Not at all—it's actually admirable," she admitted. 

"You think?" I hesitantly asked.

"Of course—and I think Cam would be so perfect for you. She's only ever had one ex, and they lasted close to a year. I genuinely think she would treat you well," Mya said, basically giving me a full rundown. "Unlike someone like my sister, and UCLA seems to be crawling with girls like her, so be careful."

I nodded quickly, "Trust me, I will. And you have nothing to worry about with your sister, seriously she's not the type I'd go for."

"You promise?" Mya said, her brown eyes softening.

I could tell that she was truly worried about losing me due to her reckless sister.

"I promise," I said, smiling as I pulled her into me, making her body collapse into mine.

Mya laughed, "I can already tell we're going to be the best of friends."

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