"Not quite as luxurious as my parents but I did have a fleet of car ordered for my use, I just offered to have them used for this specific outing" Nathan says opening the glove compartment then the fridge and taking out two glasses and a greenish bottle of champagne before filling both glasses only to hand one to me as he put the bottle away.

"Trying to get me drunk, won't make me feel better".

"It's non alcoholic, and I'm going back to Boston, I'll have you driven home tomorrow morning. For tonight I am going to have you stay at my penthouse, I need to be in the main city for school, and work".

Nathan then propped up his feet, and had the chair recline before finding the headset for his side of the car.

"I have to be in Yale in two days" I say looking over at Nathan.

"I'm aware, I also need to inform Arilynn that I'll be home soon and that you will be staying with us just for tonight, it'll give you and Derek time to think" he says before dialing his girlfriend and lifting the phone to his ear while also finding a movie to watch.

"Hi love... yes everything is alright, Scarlett is just having a row with Derek and needs a place to stay... yes I offered, I'm not going to let someone be in harms way, besides I don't trust hotels in New Haven".

Nathan then stopped to listen to Arilynn's response using the time to take a sip from his glass as we all moved towards Boston in a convoy.

"Babe, you didn't need to do all that... compassion is going to make me keep you forever... no Vesper can't hear me the partition glass is up... we can do that when I get home".

Nathan then closed all the shades making the back seat relatively dark, spare for the glass that divided the driver and back seat passengers.

"I love you too, I'll see you when I get home Arilynn" Nathan hums before hanging up a small smile on his lips as he slipped the phone into his pocket and turned on the movie he was watching before picking up the headphones and slipping them on.

I had nothing better to do on the two hour drive so I did the only sensible thing and turned on my own screen before checking the headphone space and putting on my own pair to listen to the movie as we continued the journey towards Boston.

When we eventually made it to the city where Nathan and the boys were going to school I opened the shade on my side of the car and stared around at the city where they were all living and I couldn't quite get rid of the feeling of awe looking at it even if I had gotten used to New York the previous year.

I then spotted the W Residences building where I assumed Nathan lived based on the fact the cars had pulled to the curb along side it and the boys cars were dotting the curb. The building was tall perhaps just as tall as the Louviere Financial building in New York.

"Welcome to where I am now living in Boston" Nathan says shutting off the screens and opening the shades along with the partition before we put the headphones away and got out of the car.

Turning from looking around I saw Nathan's face and the purple bruise on it, I then gasped softly before clamping my mouth shut as he looks at me.

"Nathan your face" I say.

"I know, I saw it in the reflection when I got out. Come on lets get inside, my security will return these to my valet spots" he says and sticks his hands in his pockets before walking up the steps and into the building followed by me while the boys nodded and left in their own timely fashion.

Crossing the lobby we stepped into the elevator and Nathan pressed the button for the top floor where I assume his and Arilynn's penthouse was.

A moment later the door dinged and we walked out into a white, black, and grey apartment with floor to ceiling windows mostly white furniture, excluding the grey and black kitchen.

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