I was overcome with emotion, tears welling up in my eyes. I jumped out of my seat, quickly enveloped in a hug by Hoseok. His warm arms encircled me as they always did, holding me safely and confidently.

"I told you all those years ago that I was certain I'd see you living your best life soon enough. Well here we are, Chae. You did it. All on your own. You worked your butt off and look where it got you," he cooed.

"Chae..." Misuk said, her own voice cracking. I broke away from Hoseok, pouting as she held out her arms. I cried even harder when I crashed into her arms.

She had been there right by my side through it all. She had her own job far removed from this world. And yet she made the effort to act as my manager when no one else would. She watched out for me like a sister and I couldn't have gotten here without her. She was the sole reason for my survival.

"Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I couldn't have done anything without you. You were truly my lifeline," I sobbed.

"There's nothing I would've ever done differently. You're my best friend till the end of time and I will always have your back," she cried.

I broke away, turning to Yoongi with a deep bow, "Thank you for taking a chance on me. I would've never had the opportunity to develop myself if not for your overarching vision."

Yoongi offered a sweet but shy smile, "You did all the hard work. Plus, I make the money off of you. So I should thank you for that as well."

I chuckled, feeling immensely loved and warm as Hoseok put a tender arm around my shoulder.

"Come on cutie, let's check out the comments," Yeseul said, giving me an encouraging nudge.

I grimaced, "That one is a taller order. Articles usually have to be unbiased. But netizens are not."

"You aren't a K-Pop idol though. They are a lot less overbearing of actors and actresses. They'll be excited to see some old and new faces," Yeseul ensured.

I bit my lip unsurely. Even if my reputation was secured by the positive reading article, I still had to face the court of public opinion. And that was bound to be ten times more opinionated.

"We're right behind you every step of the way, no matter what," Hoseok reminded.

Fine. It was hard to ignore the urges of such a wonderful and persuasive support system.

I tapped refresh on the article again, scrolling down to the bottom of the page where the comments were.

Here we go...

1. Woah, new Jungkook show with that star-studded cast is bound to be amazing.
2. OMG...That female lead's pictures are so pretty T_T I think I'm in love.
3. Moon Chaerin looks so natural in those pictures, so excited to see her work.
4. It's been a while since we've seen a new face. Plus the return of Yeseul and the ever handsome Hoseok...sign me up!
5. Awww look at the love between the three of them!
6. The sister vibes from Chaerin and Yeseul are soooo cute!!!
7. Look at the duo pics with Chaerin and Hoseok. That's amazing. Their chemistry is totally different. They look so cute.
8. #Chaeseok
9. For a rookie actress, she seems a little too close to Hoseok. Girl, calm down a little, your desperate is showing.
10. I'm quite excited for this show. Jeon Jungkook never disappoints and his line up of actors is sure to bring a fresh young feeling to my old days.
11. A newbie actress in an Jeon Jungkook production is a bold move...
12. I'm going to look up any roles Chaerin did. She's so cute and I'm a fan.
13. I'm cheering on this new lead!
14. Kim Yeseul is my wife!
15. Petition for Hoseok and Chaerin to have every role together. I mean look how cute and comfortable they are with each other!

"Oh...I'm going to destroy comment nine and eleven," Misuk rolled up her fists.

I chuckled, "Easy there." My heart was so full and warm. This truly was my dream. Even with the few negative comments, the large positive response and outpouring of love and support gave me closure and assurance that my place was right here, in my dream job.

"So Chaerin...how are we going to celebrate the start of your golden career?" Hoseok grinned proudly.

I looked around at all the people supporting me and endlessly giving me their all in order to ensure I succeeded. This was a celebration that needed to acknowledge them just as much as it did me.

"We celebrate with lots of food...and some good ol' fashioned liquid courage. And most importantly, we celebrate together. Because I would've never made it this far without love and trust from all of you. And I can't celebrate myself, without celebrating those who took the path with me to get here."

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