"Plus one? Misuk, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"She wanted it to be a surprise," she said softly.

"Duh! My favorite ladies and I are going to celebrate this night right! Come on, Chaerin! I have many people to introduce you to. We've got some work to do in getting your name out there," Yeseul beamed.

I gave Misuk a desperate look, but she could only laugh as the ever-radiant Yeseul dragged us both into the heart of the crowd.


"I worked with Chaerin not long ago! She really has a talent that I'm glad Jungkook can bring into the spotlight," Director Lee said, patting me on the back.

I smiled, "I don't think I could've ever received such a great opportunity without you, sir."

"Really? It's not often I find both Director Lee and Jeon Jungkook agreeing upon the talent of an actor. What did you say your name was again?"

"Moon Chaerin, ma'am. And I don't know if I already said it, but it truly is an honor to meet you Director Kim," I bowed again.

Kim Haeri. The legendary Korean feminist director of so many amazing movies and shows wanted my information. This party was going to be the end of me.

"It's nice to meet you, dear. I am quite impressed with what I've heard about you tonight. I'll have to do some digging on your past roles. I always like having a powerful female lead. Here's my card in case you ever need anything or have any questions," she said, handing me her business card.

"Thank you so much ma'am. And thank you Director Lee, it was so nice to see you again. Now I think I need to go find Yeseul and my friend," I said, quickly turning away to find my rascal friends who were up to no good.

I saw them dancing in the center of the crowd, so I managed to push my way through to get to them.

"Seventeen!" I yelled, causing the two of them to holler.

We had a game going the whole night to see how many business cards of directors, agents, and other actors I could get and every time I got another, we'd shout in the middle of wherever we were.

"Woo!" We all screamed.

It was definitely a successful night of self-promotion. I had met several of Yeseul's actor friends and befriended them as well as received kind words of advice. And of course, I'd met so many professional directors, producers, and agents that were all interested in my upcoming role and the mystery around my novelty.

It was a rush for sure, but I felt an immeasurable amount of pride for being able to put myself out there like that.

"Come on ladies, we need a photo to commemorate this great night!" Yeseul announced, holding out her phone so we could take a selfie.

We all smiled widely, taking several different crazy poses for Yeseul's phone camera.

"Okay, on that note, I think my social battery is about to hit the floor. I'm going to go hang out in a corner for a bit," I said. I glanced at Misuk who was shyly sticking to Yeseul. I grinned teasingly, "Can I assume you want to hang out with her a little longer?"

Misuk blushed, "N-no. Well I mean I'm not tired. S-so if she's not tired then, yeah."

Yeseul grinned, "Honey, it takes a lot to get me tired. Let's go. When this whole thing is over, the only thing anyone should remember is that you and I had the most fun."

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