Chapter Forty Nine

Start from the beginning

You could call him and ask.

No that's a stupid idea.

It would work.

Relenting to my minds opinion I took my phone and found Nathan's contact before calling it, not at all expecting him to respond to me, merely to prove that my mind was wrong.

Except it wasn't.

"Scarlett" Nathan's calm toned voice broke the air from my phone, and I momentarily forgot what I was going to ask.

"Nathan, I didn't expect you to answer" I admit with a sigh and he laughs lightly.

"Clearly you seem kind of shocked that I did. Why did you call me?" he ask getting straight to the point which told me he was busy working.

"I was going to ask what's in the file you sent me?" I say opening my laptop and moving to sit against my headboard, before typing in my password and finding the file that Nathan had sent me which changed the visual to a blurry screen with a white rectangle that asked me to put in a password.

"The information I could uncover about your boyfriend, so you know I'm not trying to be an asshole, and put strain on your relationship" he says before the clicking of keys could be heard.

"I'm ready for whatever it is, and you didn't give me a password" I point out leaning back into my propped up pillows.

"Type in your name Miss Louviere, including your middle name" Nathan instructed and I did so.

"Now your birthdate based on the keys above the numbers".

Once again I did as he said, pausing to speak only when I was finished.

"Done" I say.

"Hit enter" Nathan adds and I do before a four page PDF appeared and I was left to a list of information.

The document was organized to dates, and points, there were pictures, and editorial information provided, along with a timeframe, and exact biological information that could only be kept in a medical facility.

"Did you research him, or stalk him?".

"All that information was public to a degree, I recommended that the Halloway family do a security NDA on their info, that was after I put this all together".

"Cunning as usual" I sigh knowing that Nathan was always going to be like a puppet master when he deemed it needed.

I may not have remembered every moment from our relationship but I remembered most of it, and I definitely remembered that Nathan had a side of himself that was a prime example of control and calculation. His fun loving side was probably my favourite, along with the occasional banter we had.

"What are you working on, I'm on the phone with you and I have a lot to read so I may as well talk to you" I say as I began to read the pieces I didn't know about Derek.

This is technically personal information you're invading.

Mentally telling my mind to stop since I had no intention of reading everything, I just wanted to know what I was supposed to learn and it would have something to do with Derek's past.

"I'm currently working on a software program that recycles malware, and bugs. It's called the homeostasis program. Follows a similar function to how the immune system works if anything on a device has excess code, or code that is causing a problem it will go through over two hundred million lines of code to find the one that will better work for the device".

"So like how the body has viruses it uses to help it" I say stopping at a paragraph that caught my attention.


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