184 | First Impression

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     "Well, hello there, sir Kai. How are you?" Blade asks, leaning close until their faces are inches away from each other. For a quick second, his bubbly personality changes and turns into a playful grin that makes the class feel unsettled.

     "I thought Keigo said his bubbly personality isn't a gimmick," Max whispers to Ari, who was sitting beside him.

     "I don't know. Maybe he hates teachers or people with authority."

     Sir Barron doesn't look fazed and doesn't entertain Blade either, so the prince moves away from the serious professor and brightly smiles again as if nothing happened. "Always so grumpy. You're not cute at all," Blade says with a pout before going back to his seat.

     Sir Barron clears his throat and glances at Blade before finally looking back at the class. "The morning assembly earlier did not go according to plan," he starts.

     "You're welcome," Ren suddenly comments while flirtatiously moving his fingers, making Blade chuckle.

     Sir Barron clears his throat for the second time and completely ignores the royals before continuing, "But it was not something that I, for one, would scold anyone for. The guests seem to have enjoyed the brotherhood's little play, not so much their professors, but it definitely showed them what J.S High is all about, and so I have no complaints in regards to that matter."

     Everyone was surprised because sir Barron sounded like he was praising them, but he just didn't want to admit it.

     "Now, as you all already know, the class will be graced by the students from the representing schools tomorrow. I have no official list yet of whoever those students would be because it seems like it will be decided through draw lots. Regardless, whoever will fall in our class, I expect everyone to be on their best behavior," sir Barron explains before looking back at Blade and the other princes. "Especially the three of you."

     "Don't worry. We can barely move our arms, let alone cause any sort of trouble," Jeremy Tan clarifies while being covered in bruises and bandages.

     Sir Barron stares at them and takes a deep breath before massaging his temple.

     "Anyways, since today's activity is only the morning assembly, we were instructed by president Janus that all white uniforms, including the brotherhoods in the class, are tasked to clean their rooms for tomorrow's visit. So before the lunch break, make sure to make this place spotless," sir Barron commands, and the entire class groans in frustration as a response. They thought today was going to be filled with fun and exciting activities. They weren't expecting that they were only going to clean the entire day.

     "Except for you two," sir Barron suddenly adds while the class is complaining about the given task. "Gavriil and Maximilian, please follow me."

     Max looks at Ari in surprise before looking back at sir Barron. Their professor didn't say anything specific, so Max took a deep breath and stood from his seat.

     "Alright, I'll be heading out first and will return later this afternoon. Mr. Faulkner, make sure to supervise your class."

     "Yes, sir Barron," Ari quickly answers despite not wanting to 'supervise' the royals.

    Sir Kai Barron looks at his class for one last time before finally heading out of the room. Gavriil immediately follows, and Max looks back at his friends first before heading out as well. As soon as Max closes the door behind him, he spots his professor and his boyfriend already walking down the hallway. So Max fixes his peak cap and brooches and quickly catches up with the two.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu