Chapter 18 - The Truth

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Y/n was still awake, it is way past midnight, but he did not feel one bit sleepy, he cannot even get his eyes closed. But it isn't because of the hot humid weather, not the splashing of water dropping from the hose into the sink.

More like a singular fox vastayan snuggling up my arm.

The thoughts came back, maybe they never left, the little voice of doubt whispering Y/N's subconscious, and neither the sound of the water, nor Ahris low snoring can drown that out.

Y/n Pov

"What will happen when she has to return to the city? Will she use me just to feel what being normal is? How long will this lady?" These thoughts cloud my mind but Ahri's light sleep talking brought me back towards reality

Ahri: "Y/n...." She smiles

I can't seem to get rid of these thoughts, certain old wounds were too deep to heal completely. Maybe I can start to heal, I don't know for sure, what I will really do when the time comes to decide? I know one thing for sure, that I'm enjoying our time, that it is feeling good again.

The heat wasn't gone in the morning, not a big surprises, yet I hoped that the pool would be somewhat filled or that maybe some rain would come again like a few nights ago.

I walked towards the pool and as soon as I stand in the almost knee-high water in the pool, I can't seem to help but feel disappointed by the lukewarm sensation, a merely small puddle.

Coming back inside, Ahri had already laid the table, waiting for some good news sadly I just shook your head.

"With enough fantasy you could imagine it cooling you down" I tried to lighten the mood

Ahri: "I don't think the heat will believe my little fantasy" Ahri answers, sounding like it is even too hot in the house and maybe she is not that far away with that from the truth.  

She seems to be a bit in thoughts as you take the first spoon of cereals, but as you want to take the second one, she suddenly looks like she got an idea. 

Ahri: "What about the lake?" And just like that, half an hour later and packed with various things, Ahri and I make our way down the hill and through the forest.

It felt as if it would never end, thick trees and shrubs within our path, soon after I could finally spot the light blue water of the lake's surface.

"Is that the lake?" A sudden shriek of enthusiasm escape from Ahri, pointing through the forest towards the blue colored water

"I guess so, has been some time since I was ....". You cannot even finish your sentence, as Ahri is already in a full sprint towards the glistening blue light. 

Stepping out of the woods and finally getting a good look, it feels as if nothing has changed. People say you cant smell water but the smell of the lake can be far from the truth.

The sand syphoning through my toes with each step, some leafs and twigs hiding in it. Just how it was when I was a kid, how fast time passed. 

"I am over here!" Ahri rips you out of your thoughts, as she stands some meters away, waving at you.

For a moment, you can just stand there, looking at her. She got rid of the t-shirt and the shorts, she almost presents herself to you, in a black two-piece bikini.

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