Chapter 8 - The Attic and the Fox Pt 1

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A/N: as usual listen to the music if you want ❤(っ^▿^)

The musty warm air kept me awake for most of the night. Thoughts circled my mind from yesterdays sudden peck of affection. Those thoughts didn't leave my mind since this evening, they nag constantly at my mind. This warm feeling of bubbling affection, but also this lingering sense of doubt.

I had a few relationships which all ended in break-ups, but each one stinged with its own poison. I was tricked, used, rebounded....each time the world seemed a little bit more bleak.

I grit my teeth tightly while ago hold my hands in a fist while recalling my past.

I would occasionally lose myself and enter a short term depression cycle during those times, changing and discarding parts of an old naive personality. A single tear rolled down my cheek, leaving a small, trickling path.

*slap slap slap*

I slap my face threw times and looked sternly against my wall mirror. Some light shined within my eyes once again.

Nothing lasts forever, I learned it the hard way. I learned plenty from all the suffering and tricks they've used, haven't I?

I took a deep breath, the air still humid from this abysmal summer hear, but it helps regardless allowing me to relax a bit.

Whats happened has happened, you cant change that, but that doesn't mean I should let them affect my present as much. Maybe i'm just some toy for Ahri's vacation but I'll be ready for her tricks. I'll let fate decide and see what path it leads, maybe I'm are just overthinking again, and not everything ends bad but there'll always he a lingering of doubt on my mind and in my heart.

3rd PoV

Y/n was the first one to get up the next morning, as you went downstairs after your daily routine. Ahri's door was still closed, so you decide to be the first one to eat breakfast today. Setting aside some breakfast for Ahri and you think of plans to do around the mansion.

Looking around the living room, two things come up, the first one, fixing the cellphone tower and the second one, the backyard.

The backyard was out of the question, it was a certified jungle with weeds and grass as tall as you. You decide to prioritize fixing the cellphone signal. 

"It can't be that hard....I think" Y/n thought

The satellite tower is on top of the roof, grandpa showed you the hatch that leads onto the roof and if you could do it as kid, you sure as hell can do it now. I hope...

Y/n left a bowl with cereal on the side. I left a note saying that Ahri could chill doing whatever she wanted, but if she needed anything that you'd be in the attic. You just hope the house does not burn down while you're on the roof.

Y/n PoV

I chuckled as I passed Ahri's room, she went earlier to bed than you and she's is still sleeping. Maybe last night was fresh on her mind and couldn't let her sleep.

I reach below the hatch which leads towards the attack, wondering how dusty and filled with animals it wad.

It took some time until I finally found the lever to open the door. After struggling for a few minute I finally pried open the trapdoor and lowered the ladder.

"Hope that didn't wake her up"  I meekly stated

The attic air felty stuffy, just from opening the hatch you created a cloud of dust that swirls the surroundings. I pulled my shirt over my mouth to protect myself from the smoke.

"Fuck I should've brought some damn masks" I coughed slightly

I begin to search for a way to the roof, only to notice soon enough, that your grandparents decided to use the attic as a storage for the other hotel

"Mother fu-" Before I finished my sentence I notice the hatch that leads to the roof

I wanted to rush outside but every hasty move would raise dust, forming another grey cloud of shit.

As you finally get the hatch open, you peak outside with your head, it faces the front yard.

I can finally see metal steps on the roof leading up to the rooftop. Giving them a shake to be sure that they are still stable and full of courage I pushed forward towards the Cellphone tower

The first steps are a bit shaky, out onto the roof and up the small steps. The fresh windy breeze was a relief from all the dust in the attic, but as you sit on the rooftop, inspecting the tower, you cannot help but fooled by nature.

"This goddamn bipolar ass weather...." I grumbled as the sun rays begin to start beating against your back


A/N: This is gonna be a two parter cause the chapter is getting way too long ( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)

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