Chapter 13 - Popstar's Life

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A/n: Smaller chapter to wrap up chapter 12

Y/n PoV

A/n: Listen to this song for the entire chapter on loop for the mood.

She becomes a soulless shell, as her eyes seem to stare into the far distance losing their glow.

"Lets get you off the cold flood" I say placing out my hand, she only gives a slight nod as an answer as her eyes become back to normal.

Getting her out of the chair and off the ground was easier than expected, she weighs less than expected and so the way back to her room goes quick and easy.

A small case catches my eye as I carried her in and laying her down on the bed bed tucking her in.

I cautiously approach the medical-looking case. Around a dozen cylinder vials, one is missing.

"The one she just spilled..." I thought

I slowly pull one out and hold it up into the light. The inside of the ampule seems to move a bit.

"Y/N?" her voice sounds weak, fragile. I turned around, still in a squatting position in front of the case.

"Can you give me one please?" she asked so defeated.

Ilook back towards the ampules and back to her, handing one over with some hesitation.

"Thank you, Y/N" her grasp around the ampule looked so feeble and gentle, but after consuming the vial she looks more healthy as if the life was coloring her cheeks with life.

"What is this stuff?" I asked as I pulled a chair besides her bed

"Just some medication, something a popstar like me cannot be seen with" Her tone sounds like she is about to cry again, she lifts her head up a bit, letting it fall onto your lap, you are a bit surprised again, it seemed so sudden.

"I never told anyone else besides Evelynn, but all this popstar stuff, it all seemed worth it the the first few years when I was just starting. To sacrifice all those years and become famous, but then" She stops, and I suddenly feel some tears hitting my pants. Tryin to calm her down, I begin to stroke her hair again.

"I finally could live a normal life like everyone else for those years, but as soon as this hype around us started, the paparazzi were everywhere and then all those contractual obligations.... I felt like a weirdo once again, so many eyes on me, just because I seemed so... exotic" Another wave of sobs rock her a bit.

"I just wanted to love like everyone else, without all these eyes on me. I never had a childhood, no teenage years, just this grey preparation to stand on this big stage one day. I was just another Vastaya back home, but here? An exotic animal, even with Evelynn being a demon, all they cared for was the foxgirl." Ahri's voice trailed off

"When i met your grandparents and nobody recognized me, I thought that...that I could live like everyone else, even just for few weeks! And now that! Besides my friends you were the first one to treat me like I am normal and now I ruined that!" She begins to cry louder again, pulling her legs up against her chest. Your mind races, around this one question, what to say? Or how will you say it?

"I think, you are perfect just the way you are, just be yourself, and if you could stay here with me forever..." The words leave your mouth without much thinking, she stops sobbing, raising and tilting her head a bit to look up to you. You just stand up, making your way to the door.

"Y/N, please wait, sto..." cutting Ahri off, the door slams behind me.

I never went upstairs this fast but it seems today was an exception. I'm finally in my room and I locked my door, falling against my bed

If the truth was written on the ceiling, even the strongest excuses will not help the case and this realization, that you tried to block all this time since you first saw her, which sinks in now, no way to hold it away any longer.

"I'm screwed, I basically asked her to live with me together" I place a pillow against my face

"I love that girl."

I'm absolutely in love with her.

Popstars Getaway (K/DA Ahri x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now