Chapter 3 - Dinner Date?

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Y/n PoV
Walking in front of you, The fox suddenly stops and turns around to face you.

"With my cover already blown, we haven't really introduce ourselves" she smiled

The damn smile

"My name is Y/N" I tell her

"Well Y/N, my name is Ahri but you probably knew that" She says

"I couldn't remember your name" I shrugged my shoulders

"Sure sure. Could you tell me where the kitchen is?" Ahri asked with an innocent but tired look in her eyes

I point to a door on my left, a wooden Sakura theme sliding door.

"That's the kitchen, we can also make a house tour right now if you want"

"That is something for tomorrow, I rather have dinner and go to sleep" she says before turning around to walk into the kitchen. I follow her, only to be stopped at the door.

"Sorry, family secret recipe" Ahri places her hand on the door entrance

"Are you serious?" I slightly raised my voice

"Are you hungry?" Ahri counters your question and you rolled your eyes and groaned

"Last thing I ate was breakfast." I take a step back, a bit frustrated, she chuckles and closes the sliding door.

I walked back to watch the TV on the sofa. I thought of repairing the cellphone towers to have our phones working but that's not possible anytime soon.

"Y/N?" I can hear Ahri calling from the kitchen.

Whatever problem Ahri has is more likely fixable than the tower, at least your stomach hopes it is.

"How do you...umm switch on the stove?" she asks, her head poking through the door

"It's a gas stove, some matches should be around somewhe-" My eyes open wide and it suddenly hits you.

"You don't know how to work with a gas stove?" Im a bit surprised. I didn't know much about Ahri's lifestyle, but not knowing how to work a stove, really?

Ahri is visibly turns red in embarrassment, but she steps aside, letting the door slide open wide.

"Come in, but don't even try take a peak at anything or else!" She puffs her cheeks

You softly chuckle as you walk straight in

I open the main gas valve, turning up the gas for one of the burners and then lighting it with a match.

I noticed Ahri's tail waggling.

"She must get excited for the little things" I laughed

Ahri noticed and gently blushed

"I don't know how I'll last with this girl" I thought but the thought of dating someone scared me slightly

Ahri stands to your right, blocking the view onto the kitchen top, investigating my every move but she's very close to your face.

You two stand for a bit there, just looking look at each other's eyes. I was the first to break eye contact and looked at her soft pink lips.

Ahri seemed to noticed and looked away blushing.

"You can go now..." Ahri said

I mumbled something about you having done my job. I walk back to the sofa and fall on my back. My stomach started rumbling, I rubbed my face and sighed as I turn on the TV again.

"Famous popstars group KDA has yet to show their faces at..." I couldn't be bothered with what they said because it seemed Ahri was the only who needed to escape her popstars life.

An hour has passed and Ahri finally stepped out of the kitchen with a pot in her hands. Which was followed by a scent you never smelled before. She carried two bowls and placed them on the table. She sits down, waiting patiently until you are seated.

"Cmon hurry up!" She pouts

"God you're suddenly bossy" I scratch my head

"I hope you enjoy it" Ahri squeals after her first spoon.

You look down into the bowl with mixed feelings, the soup is not steaming anymore, but you cant make out a thing in the milky soup.

A bit uncertain, you take your first bite, preparing for the worst, but it tastes... good? You can't really determine how it tastes, but it has a soothing feeling to it. As if your mother cooked it herself.

Looking over to Ahri, you notice that her gaze is wandering around the living room, and she noticed the wall with family photos.

"They look lovely" she remarks

I just nodded, not really wanting to speak of my parents. We both start small talk for a bit and continuing to eat, cleaning up afterwards and going to bed. We both seemed to enjoy our conversations and slowly bonded

You lay a bit awake in bed after showering, thinking about what happened, who would have thought? That you and Ahri would be having dinner together in this remote part of the world.

You close your eyes for a bit, telling yourself that everything will be fine and hope that things will go well this time.

Ahri PoV

Y/N was interesting

Interesting in which he really listened and cared for what I had to say and wasn't blindly going along with whatever I said just to please me.

He was very genuine

*I roll around the bed*

Tomorrow starts our journey in this lonely forest. Just the two of us.

I smiled.

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