Chapter 9 - The Attic and The Fox Pt 2

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After suffering for a few hours, something suddenly moves in the corner of your right eye. You are quick enough to turn to see something disappearing into the tall grass.

I stay there confused while looking down into the overgrown backyard.

"Ahri?" I yelled/asked perplexed, no answer comes back, just some rustling in the grass.

I rub my neck a bit flustered, if it wasn't for the heat my mind feel like a mess. I went back in to cover myself from the dead full heat and took a shower.

After a cold shower and some new clothes, you can finally sit on the sofa and see some cellphone bars but not anything stronger than 2 bars of signal. It doesn't bother me much, I got it to work again and that is what counts.

After some time passing, where you just sit there and scroll through the internet without really caring for whatever was shown.

"It's time to begin with dinner. Something that falls again to me, since Ahri is still somewhere outside...." I sighed while heading towards the kitchen

This time a new recipe, yet the result is a bit burnt, but the taste is still just how I remembered.

There's still no sign of Ahri, maybe she's embarrassed over what happened yesterday evening? If she is, that's quite adorable.

Adorable? Fuck I'm still catching feelings each day

Whatever it is, you are eating in front of the TV tonight. grandma and ma would've judged you,  while dad and grandpa would've  just laughed and also moved to the TV.

As I'm chilling on the couch, just watching whatever comes up on TV, Ahri sits down beside me after some time, her own plate in her hands. She wears a strange and expensive looking white crop top and black skirt with thigh highs, a slight tan forming on her skin.

I didn't ask her while eating, but now, as she finishes her food and lies on the couch while, i decide to just ask

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I didn't ask her while eating, but now, as she finishes her food and lies on the couch while, i decide to just ask.

"About what happened yesterday evening..." she tries to hide it, but just from the slight wiggle of the ears, you know that it was definitely on her mind.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." she blocks it off almost in an instance but her ears and tail say another story.

"Nothing bad about admitting it" you just say, both glance at each other.

A short silence takes over the room, the light dimming as the sun sets.

"So if it were you, would straight out say everything?" Ahri smirked

"Just straight out admit it" A slight cocky tone in my voice.

She stands up, stretches a bit and suddenly sits on my lap, directly at me. Her single tail transforms into nine, blocking the everything besides her. My eyes focused on the popstars' beauty and eyes.

"So what about now?" a slight shimmer of animalistic desires in her eyes, as she moves her hips closer to mine, looking anywhere else is impossible.

"Come on, where is your cocky attitude that I love?" she almost breathes those words, a somewhat begging sound.

"She loves my attitude?" A surprised thought

I can feel the warmth of her heavy breathes on my neck. Her slowly grinding against my member. She looks deep into your eyes, giving you a warm smile.

"Maybe I will tell you one day" she whispers, before gently biting your neck leaving a hickey, a sense of tingling pain my body felt as her lips touch my skin.

She winks at you before standing up and leaving towards her room. Adrenaline pumps through my veins, it feels like ages before my member settles down, a dizzy feeling mixing under all those different sensations you feel.

Popstars Getaway (K/DA Ahri x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now