𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜

Start from the beginning

"Then how come you're free to look over me, than anyone else here" I smirked at him

"Don't be happy that I'm here keeping a watch at you. I didn't have a choice Izzy requested. Besides I don't like babysitting" He said leaning backwards

"Who said I'm happy to see you here? I didn't, and besides, i'm not a kid whom you or anyone else needs to look for. You do need to look out for me. And besides you're not the only one who doesn't wanna be stuck here with you. I feel the same about you" I turned my head around and looked at the door

"If that's the case why did you fell on me and passed out in my arms?" I turned my face towards him and found him close smirking it felt like a lightning was cast just near me

"Well we can't control our bodies when we are about to go unconscious, and I don't even remember the direction I fell in. So if you had so much problem with me then why did you pick me up and were trying to keep me awake this whole time and brought me here? You could've let Jace handle me?" I smirked back

He just nodded and sat back as I exhaled a breath I didn't know I had kept hold of. "What?" I asked him

"Nothing just wanted to see if you're still the same idiot who answers back or not"

"Whom are you calling an idiot?"

"I guess there's only one in this room, and we both know who it is"

"Yeah sure he's sitting right beside me" the moment I said this, he looked at me as I left a chuckle

"Well, I don't believe I'm doing this to you the second time this day but Thank You." I looked over at him

"Sorry what? It seemed as I heard something" raising his eyebrows at me he said as I blushed a little and moved my head to the direction

"You heard it right, not going to say it again" He nodded as I said

"Thank you accepted" he nodded

"But I must say I didn't expect that you could fight. I thought that you would be the same as Clary, but you have some good fighting skills" he exclaimed

"Did I hear it right Alec, none other than Alec Lightwood praising my fighting style? I hope you're okay. You didn't catch a fever did you?" I moved my hand towards him in amusement

"Make fun of it how much you want, but you won't hear it again," he said taking my hand and pushing it back for me to stay like that, as I saw him smile a little from the corner of his mouth after my teasing as I gigle and smiled myself

"Well thank you. I'm a trained Martial Arts since long. And besides there's a lot you guys don't about me" I looked away explaining to him the reason and looking at the door

"Besides Clary isn't that much of an amateur as she seems. She's quite fierce for someone new to all this. She carries herself with confidence and grace and from what I've heard she's made you guys break a few rules also. So for a person new to something doing things this crazy. I don't think she's less in something" I looked back to him as he was staring at my wound

"Anything wrong with this?" I looked at my shoulder and then back at him "No" directing himself to the other, side.

"I hope you're not gonna sneak out after a while and go out again?." He asked

𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 ~ 𝑨𝑳𝑬𝑪  𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻𝑾𝑶𝑶𝑫  Where stories live. Discover now