Ch. 25

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Zach held Genesis' hand nervously in the car and he held it even tighter when he saw that they were entering the property of Genesis' grandparents. He was joining them for part of the summer in Wyoming. "So, are your grandparents your mom's parents or your dad's?" He asked as they turned the corner and saw the big white and blue house. 

"My mom's." Genesis replied. 

"Not Mr and Mrs Reed?"

"No. Mr and Mrs Bennett."

"Okay. Time to rethink my greeting speech." He said under his breath. 

"You thought of a speech?" She asked, smiling in admiration of his efforts. 

"I didn't want to think of something on the spot when I meet them."

Paul came up on Bullet when they parked the car. "There's the islanders!" He called out as he rode up. 

"Woah!" Zach exclaimed as Bullet stopped right in from of him. 

"Sorry boy, got a little close huh?" Paul said. 

"It's alright sir. I'm Za-" 

"Is that my family!" Lorraine shouted coming out of the house quickly and hurrying down the steps. 

"Careful mom." Alyssa cautioned. 

"I've been down those steps thousands of times." Lorraine insisted. "Genesis, my beautiful granddaughter!" She said and hugged Genesis tight. 

"Hi grandma." Genesis replied with little breath as she squeezed it all out of her. 

"Is this your boyfriend?! My, isn't he a handsome young fella." Lorraine said, looking next at Zach. 

"Hello Mrs. Bennett. My name is-" 

"Mrs. Bennett, that's so formal. Just call me Grandma, sugar." She said. 

"Okay." Zach chuckled.

"What's your name son?" Paul said, getting off of Bullet. 

"Zach, sir. My name is Zach Kai." Zach said with a smile and shook Paul's hand. 

"Zach, you certainly have the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen." Lorraine said. 

"Okay Grandma, you have a husband and he has a girlfriend." Genesis joked and hugged Zach on the side. 

"I know sweetie, don't you worry. But I can appreciate this young man's good looks, can I not." Lorraine replied and Zach's face turned bright red. 

"That's enough mom, dad's gonna get jealous." Alyssa chimed in. 

"Alright then." Lorraine grumbled and Genesis chuckled.

Zach was blown away by the house. He was especially impressed at how many items existed in baby blue and white. It seemed to him like they were the only two colors that his eyes could see. "Follow me sugar. I'll show you you're room." Lorraine led him. He followed her up the stairs with his suitcase. "This room is right next to Genesis'. Now I don't mind if you go into her room, just remember to keep it quiet. Grandpa's a light sleeper." She said, opening the door for him. At first he didn't catch on to what she meant but when he did his face reddened with embarrassment. 

"Oh-no-I don't-Genesis and I-we don't-I wouldn't-" 

"Stop the stutterin' sugar I'm just messing with you." She assured him and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Or am I?" She whispered as she walked past and out the door. "Settle in sugar, dinner will be ready soon." She said and closed the door. 

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