Ch. 12

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****Trigger warning: Kidnapping attempt****

Genesis was overwhelmed. She was trying to study for a big history test. It was the last big grade of the school year before exams, and it could make or break her grade in the class. "My eyes are literally crossing from staring at this screen!" She complained and slammed her laptop shut. She leaned back in her desk chair and rubbed her eyes. When she opened them again, she looked out the window and saw the beach. She watched the setting sun glint across the water and the waves lap onto the shore. "I could use a break." She told herself.

Then she got up and went downstairs. She walked over to the back door and put on a pair of flip flops. "Mom, dad, I'm going to the beach for a bit! I won't be long!" She called out as she opened the door. It wasn't uncommon for her to take walks on the beach.

"Be sure to take your phone! It's getting dark out!" Alyssa called out from the living room.

"Got it!" Genesis replied and walked out.


Once she got to the beach, she took off her flipflops so that she could feel the cool sand on her feet. She walked down the beach silently and listened to the sounds of the ocean. She stopped and watched the sunset. She stepped into the water and let it rush over her feet. She closed her eyes and breathed in the salty sea air. Finally, her mind was at peace and relaxed.

When she opened her eyes again, she watched the sun set below the horizon. She began to smile, but her calm was shattered. She felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her and pull her out of the water. She was being held tightly and she started to scream. She kicked and punched in a defense to get away. "Calm down, princess. I'm just gonna take you back to my place." A deep, scratchy voice spoke behind her. His breath smelled rancid and burned her eyes. His arms were large and hairy, with gnarled hands.

"Help! Someone help me!" She screamed and hoped that there was someone else around that heard her. "Help! Help m- "

The man slapped his hand over her mouth. "Quiet, princess!" He growled. As her mind raced, she began to think of his position. He only had one arm around her, and his hold had loosened. She grabbed his arm with both hands and bit down hard on his fingers over her mouth. He yelled in pain and let her go in reaction. When her feet landed on the sand, she pulled as hard as she could, and he fell forward. She immediately took off running towards her house and pulled out her phone. "Get back here, girl!" The man shouted as he stood. She called her mom.

"Please pick up." She begged as she ran.

"Hello?" Alyssa asked when she picked up.

"Mom, someone's chasing after me! He grabbed me and tried to take me away!" Genesis explained quickly while her throat hurt from screaming.

"Princess, you better not be calling anyone!" The man called out, running after her.

"Mom, he's catching up to me! You have to call the police! You have to- "

"There you are princess." The man grabbed her again and she screamed, throwing her phone into the sand so that he couldn't take it. She started kicking again and she tried to reach behind for his head. "You're not getting away from me this time, princess." The man spoke while dodging her frantic hands. He began to pull her away and she saw something up ahead that gave her hope. Her parents were sprinting across the beach and heading their way. Genesis tried harder to hurt her captor by kicking harder and trying to grab him more quickly. She managed to kick his lower body. He groaned and let go of her, reaching for his groin. She ran towards her parents and finally started crying. When she got up to them, Daniel continued to run. Alyssa held her gently while Genesis cried into her shoulder. The girls were shocked to see Daniel tackle the man and wrestle him in the sand, especially since he looked like Milo Thatch from Disney's "Atlantis", and the man was built like a burly sailor.

"Don't worry sweetie, the police are on their way. You're safe now. I've got you." Alyssa assured Genesis and smoothed her hair to try and calm her down. Genesis couldn't calm down. She couldn't slow her breathing, cease her tears, or stop her body from shaking.

Daniel kept the man occupied long enough for the police to arrive. When the police did arrive, the man was arrested. One of the officers even found Genesis' flip flops and phone. Genesis had to give a statement and explain everything that happened. It wasn't hard to do because the night's events where the only thing on her mind. But as she re-told it to the officer she would break down and cry. The officer patiently waited for her to calm down each time. "You were very brave for what you did. You fought back and that's what's important. If you hadn't fought back, then we wouldn't have in custody right now." The officer tried to comfort her. "Just remember that, okay?" She added. Genesis nodded but she didn't fully believe her. She didn't feel brave; she felt scared and broken.


Genesis walked home, holding her parents tightly. She tried to go to sleep but she couldn't. Whenever she closed her eyes, she would see flashes of the event.

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