Ch. 13

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Genesis didn't want to go to school the next day and her parents agreed. Alyssa and Daniel both took the day off from work to be with her. They didn't want to leave her alone.


Zach was worried when he didn't see Genesis at school. He knew about her big test and how stressed she was. He didn't think that she would purposefully miss school. He tried to text and call her throughout the day, but she never answered. His worry grew as more time passed and he took it upon himself to go to her house after school to see her.

When Zach knocked on the door Daniel opened it with a tight fist at his side. He was on edge and ready to fight. What he did the night before was something that he had never done before. He was ready to protect his family. But, when he saw Zach, he calmed and relaxed his fist. "It's just you." He said as a sigh. "What are you doing here?"

Zach found his behavior strange. "Genesis didn't come to school today, so I wanted to know if she was okay." He explained to Daniel.

"I don't think you- "

"Come in, Zach." Alyssa stepped up to the door and cut Daniel off. "But we need to talk before you see Genesis." She added and opened the door further. Daniel let Zach in and all three of them walked to the living room to sit.

"What happened? Is Genesis okay?" Zach asked, worrying about why they were so serious.

"Something happened last night." Alyssa spoke up. "Genesis was almost kidnapped last night." She explained and Zach's jaw dropped.

"What?! Is she okay? Was she hurt?" He asked quickly in worry.

"She wasn't hurt physically. But she's still very shaken up by the whole experience." Alyssa explained.

"Can I see her?" Zach asked, wanting to see for himself that she was okay.

"Yes, you can. But you have to be gentle with her." Daniel informed him. Zach nodded. He would never be anything but gentle to her, especially at a time like this.

Alyssa led Zach upstairs to Genesis' room. Genesis was inside, sitting at her bay window. She was looking out at the beach where she was sure it happened. She watched people playing on the beach but seemingly avoiding that area. It was as if they knew that something bad had happened there. Alyssa knocked on the door and Genesis looked over quickly. Usually, her parents don't knock but they didn't want to spook her, so they have been knocking first all day. "Come in." Genesis called out from across the room. Alyssa slowly opened the door, and she stepped in with Zach following behind her. Genesis was surprised but also comforted to see him.

"Someone wanted to see you." Alyssa told Genesis as they came in. Zach tried for a smile but also felt like he should be cautious. He assumed that she would feel unsafe around men.

"Thanks mom." Genesis said. "You can leave us alone." She assured her mom. Alyssa nodded and closed the door behind Zach. When it was just them, Zach wanted to go up and hug her, but he refrained from it.

"Are you okay?" He asked from a distance. "You weren't at school and your parents just told me about what happened last night." He added. She's been asked the question so many times in the past twenty-four hours that she's starting to feel like she can't explain her feelings anymore.

"I'm... holding up." She replied "I'm sorry I missed school. I just, needed to think." She explained.

"You don't need to be sorry for anything. I totally get it." He assured her. "I'm just glad that you're safe." He added. Her spirits lifted enough to where she felt like smiling. But she didn't. Although, she did walk up to him to let him know that it was okay to be close. "Could you tell me what happened?" He asked gently. He knew she didn't have to say anything, but he did wonder.

Genesis did explain it to him. She felt safe enough to speak about it with him. They sat down together at the edge of the bed and talked. Genesis explained her feelings and thoughts while she re-told the experience.

"Wow... Genesis, you're incredible." Zach commented after she finished explaining. She wasn't expecting that answer. "You're telling me that you pulled this guy to the ground, bit his finger, and kicked him in his 'downstairs'. You're amazing." He added. He was thoroughly impressed with what she had done. 

His statement made her feel not entirely hopeless. "Yeah, well..." Genesis wanted to make a joke- she felt like she couldn't be serious in the moment- but she couldn't think of anything to say. 

He noticed that she wasn't responding and took it as a sign that she was uncomfortable. "I should go. Let you get rest." He decided. "Will you be at school on Monday?" He asked hopefully. He didn't want to push her, but he did miss her.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I still have to make up that test." She explained. She looked over to the school stuff on her desk and figured that maybe studying would take her mind off of the event.

"Alright. Stay safe." He said and stood from the bed.

"Trust me, I will." She assured him. He nodded and awkwardly turned towards the door. He took a few steps to leave but then Genesis stopped him.

"Wait!" She called out and stood from her bed. He turned back around, and she ran up to him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist in a hug. His body tensed, surprised and still hesitant to touch her. When he processed that she was hugging him, he relaxed and hugged back. She felt the familiar tingling feeling and it comforted her. It even made her feel safe. "I'll see you at school." She said after they let go.

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