Ch. 21

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The first few months of school flew by in a flash. Zach was enjoying swim practice and seeing his friends and Genesis daily. But mid-terms were coming up and nerves were setting in. These were the last big tests for seniors, and they had to pass.

With all his stress, Zach decided to take a walk by the beach to clear his head. He breathed in the salty sea air and listened for the rhythmic lapping of water onto the shore. Then a new sound drew his attention. He looked to the water after he heard something break the surface. He saw a girl that he recognized. It had been years since he'd seen her, but he knew who she was. "Marcela?!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, Zach. It's been a while." She said to him, a gentle smile resting on her lips. Marcela is a member of the pod only two years older than Zach. She left the pod at a young age to stay with a pod in the Philippines. Not many members are allowed to leave before turning eighteen, but she was an exception. She was orphaned at age twelve and was sent to live with distant family. Before she had to leave, she and Zach were the best of friends, along with Nixie. Every summer they would see each other, and they would be practically inseparable until school rolled around again. No one expected that she would ever be back.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, still in shock to see her.

"The pod told me that you still live on land." She explained. It didn't fully answer his question, but he was too excited to see her. "Why don't you come join me?" She suggested. "Get in your tail. Feel normal again." She commented. The statement puzzled him. His tail was natural to him, but he never considered it more normal than legs. Despite that, he did decide to get in.

"So, what are you doing back?"

"I moved back because I missed you." She stated openly. Her statement sort of took him aback. "And the others, of course."

"The pod really missed you."

"Did you miss me?" She asked, seeming to be the only thing she cared about.

"Yeah, of course." He replied and she broke into a grin.

Zach and Marcela swam together as they talked. She told him all about her life in the Philippines and he told her about his life on land. "There's this girl, Genesis. She's my girlfriend that I met last year." He told her happily.

"Girlfriend? Is she from another pod?" Marcel asked, seemingly intrigued.

"No, she's human." He clarified.

"Human?! Zach, you can't have a relationship with a human, it will never last." She stated. "They just don't understand our world."

"I know, but Genesis tries to." He informed her. "She tries to learn as much as she can, and I really like telling her about our customs and history."

"You've exposed our secret to her? Humans can't be trusted."

"Genesis can be." He knew for sure. "She would never expose our secret."

"It's a dangerous situation you've put yourself in."

"The council trusts her." He informed her which shocked her.

"Well, it seems that you can handle yourself." She stated. "Apparently you don't need me looking after you anymore." She spoke, meant as a joke but it had a hint of sadness behind it.

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