Ch. 2

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After school, Genesis walked out the front doors and looked to the right where the road would lead to a small strip of town and past that, her house. To her left was the beach. She looked and watched the bright blue water crash onto the sandy shore. It looked so beautiful, but the fear still existed in her mind. Maybe if I just sit on the sand, she convinced herself to walk over to the beach instead of heading straight home.

When Zach stepped out of the side door of the school, through the pool room, he walked straight onto the beach. As he walked towards the front of the school, he noticed familiar red hair up ahead. He walked up curiously. "You gonna go for a swim?" He called out to not startle the girl sitting in the sand. Genesis looked behind and saw him walking up and smiling, waving to her and shielding the sun from his eyes.

"Oh, hey. No, I'm not going in." She replied.

"Then what are you doing?" He asked, stopping and standing next to her.

"Just... watching." She replied. She looked back to the water, watching it rise and fall on the shore almost rhythmically.

"It's beautiful, huh?" He said and proceeded to sit down next to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked curiously.

"Watching with you." He replied. "Now, are you gonna answer my question?" He asked lightheartedly. She chuckled before replying.

"It is beautiful. And it's all so new. You don't get waves like that from a lake." She told him.

"Yeah. There aren't very strong currents and tides in lakes. It's also basically a whole new ecosystem. Fresh water and saltwater animals are very different." He stated. She was impressed by his knowledge.

"How do you know so much about the ocean?" She asked and he shrugged.

"I pay attention in science." He replied. She laughed and smiled. He found her smile to be very beautiful and her laugh to be a calming sound. She looked so relaxed despite her fear of the water that was so close.

Then Genesis felt a pressure in her head, and she felt like she blacked out. Zach saw her expression go slack and she turned to face the water. He was immediately worried but then he heard it: the singing.

"Into the sea...

Hold you close to me..."

Zach recognized it instantly. He knew that its intention was dangerous. He looked quickly to Genesis and saw that her eyes her clouded again. She stood up quickly and so did everyone else on the beach. Zach looked around in a panic. He quickly got up and ran into the water, diving under the waves.

The water rushed along his skin and ran through his hair. He blinked and his vision became sharper, being able to see clearly through the water. The feeling of his clothes against his body disappeared and he swam faster. He swam in the direction of the singing and stopped when he saw a girl. The top half of her body appeared mostly human, but the bottom half was a large, blue scaley tail. She had her arms spread towards the shore and she was singing, not acknowledging Zach. "What do you think you're doing?" Zach spoke up, the water passing into his lungs like air. Instead of replying, she continued singing. Zach paid further attention to her tail. It was a slightly different color than his own. He had a blue tail as well, the color matching almost exactly with the water so that he would be undetected. He knew that she was not from the area. "What pod are you from?" He demanded to know. She didn't stop singing so he grabbed her arm and swam as far from the shore as he could while she resisted.

Song of the Seaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن