Side story(2)

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Writers block so I pulled this out of a fanfic notebook I have. Not an omegaverse, regular quirk AU hope you like it



           This story starts at the beginning of summer before their second year at UA. When they were out Izuku got hit by a pregnancy quirk when someone bumped into him. Then Kacchan and Izuku . . . .ya' know😏,✨had a fun night✨. Izu and Kacchan are not open about their relationship and nobody in the class knows except for Aziawa, but their moms do. 

Izuku's pov:

            I had to run to the bathroom to throw another time this week. I stayed in Kacchans room today because he's been getting worried. "Nerd?!" a worried voice sounds through the small confines of the bathroom and I feel a presence behind me, once I finished vomiting I wipe my mouth and look up slightly "y-yeah" I say with a shaky voice. "We're going to the doctors." I sight only to feel another round of nasuea come.

            After I finished in the bathroom I got dressed noticing that Kacchan was gone, I waited until I hear the door open. Kacchan walks in giving a slight smile when his eyes land on me "Aziawa said its fine, and that we can stay out for awhile." He says plainly. Mr. Aziawa and Principal Nezu are the only ones that know about our relationship, I'm just not ready to tell the rest of the class- I mean our parents know, but . . . .

otherwise, no one

            Kacchan drives us to the doctors office while I fell asleep almost as soon as the car turned out of UA.

             "Deku, we're here" I hear a soft voice whisper while someone shakes my shoulder gently. "C'mon wake the fuck up I'm not carrying you" In my head I ignored this because I heard 'c'mon . . . I've got . . . .you' "Izuku get the fuck up." I heard that loud and clear, I groan and opened my eyes, "Oh, we're here" I say groggily. I pull the lever that opens my car door, while Kacchan does the same. We both start walking into the sterile smelling building "go sit down teddy bear, I'll get the appointment" I sat in one of the chairs with the nauseous feeling sitting in the pit of my stomach like a rock. After about ten minutes Kacchan calls me over to sign a few papers 

            "Do you two have a parent or guardian accompanying you?" the cheery nurse asks "No, we're at UA, so we have a signed slip from our teacher" Kacchan answers for me while handing over the piece of paper. She nods and then enters some stuff into the computer.

            After we returned to our seats Kacchan turns to me "hey teddy bear are you feeling okay?" I tried to lift my heavy eyelids. I lay my head on the taller boys shoulder so I could hopefully get some more sleep. "Okay." A warm hand rubs my lower back as a calming touch.

Kacchan's pov:

             When I woke up Deku was throwing up again. He needs to go to the doctor. And he's looking especially pale today because when I tried to get him to eat he would barely let me give him a few bites. "Nerd we're going to the doctors office, I've lost track of how many times you have thrown up this week." To my surprise he didn't resist, instead he just trudged to the shower after giving me a small nod.

            I get into clothes then go to request leave from the grounds from Aziawa. Once I got to his office I knocked on the large wooden door. "come in" a tired voice says from the other side of the door. I open the door trying not to slam it into the wall. "What do you want so early in the morning problem child?" "I want to get permission to take Izuku to a doctor. He's been pretty sick this week and I'm getting worried." The teacher nods and starts to sign two slips that say we can leave.

            When I walked into my dorm Deku was walking out of the bathroom. "C'mon Aziawa said we could leave." I'm the first out of the dorm, while Deku follows then meets me out in the parking lot 15 minutes later. I got my drivers licence a couple months ago, and Deku got his a little over a month ago.

            We got to  the urgent care nearest to UA and I start my attempts to wake up my sleeping boyfriend. "Teddy bear, we're here~" I say gingerly while I shake his shoulder lightly. I make a few more 'nice' attempts "Deku wake the fuck up"

            I walk into the medical building with Deku, and once we get in I figure it's better for me to do the paperwork and stuff. Deku goes and sits in one of the chairs noticeably far from all the other people here.

            I still had to call Deku over to sign some papers, the check-in itself went pretty fast. After finishing up I go sit next to my boyfriend in the waiting room.

            After another 20-30 minutes I heard a nurse call out "Izuku Midoriya?" He seems to have heard his name because he stood up and walked behind the medical professional with me tailing him.

            Once Deku gets to the examination room he sits on the grey table. I watch his legs swing in and out stopping right before they hit the base of the table he was sitting on. The doctor comes in to take blood and asks him to pee in a damn cup- all the doctor shit they have to do. When she comes back she has a different clipboard than she had earlier. "Well Mr. Midoriya I think you might've gotten hit by a quirk. And it gave you the ability to have children" My jaw drops a bit at this, and Izuku casts his gaze to the floor. "O-oh, okay. Thank you" Deku flashes his signiture smile and she leaves after a quick smile back

            "Deku?" I whisper while he slides off the table as slow as possible. The male trudges back to the car without a word

So I have a ton of notebooks which I take stories out of sometimes so this is one of them, tell me if you like them so I know which ones to post fully on wattpad


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