Scent Training

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Katsuki's pov:

            I opened the door after I heard a knock making sure that I had my composure, and that I wouldn't start running through the dorms finding omega's to fuck. I looked down to see a bowl of ice cream along with a carefully folded note. Quickly I pick both up and take them into my room, shutting and locking my door as soon as I was inside. Putting the ice cream down I carefully unfold the note ' they had your favorite flavor-Cinnamon roll' 'that's sweet of him' I thought while I ate the ice cream.

            The rest of my rut was still terrible. It finally ended on Tuesday morning, but I woke up around 11 so I got there just in time for lunch.

*Time skip to after school cause I'm too fixed on this next part to write more about school*

Izuku's pov

            'It's Tuesday! After school! I forgot about my session with Midnightttt!' I sprint down the  hall to get to the office, trying not to be late, but of course I run right into someone knocking us both over. I quickly get up noticing who it is "oi, nerd you okay?" I snap out of my trance and start running again yelling down the hall "Sorry Kacchan!" Once I finally get there Midnight opens the door for me, when I walk in her office I see a machine, her cluttered desk, and a couch with decorations scattered around the room. I take a seat on the couch and take my yellow school bag off "Hello Midoriya, do you want to start now?" I nod and she goes over to the machine turning it on "How this will work is I will turn on the machine and you will smell an artificial alpha scent. The first one you submit to will be what level you're on, okay?" I nod again and soon after the first scent hits me.

            This first one smells like lemongrass and chamomile-so like Denki. Then the I smell a new scent as the lemongrass one fades. This one's like a campfire and chocolate which smell kinda like Uraraka, it doesn't bother me too much. The next one smells like if you went outside after a rainstorm, this scent causes my heart to beat quicker but I am able to stay calm and collected. The next few I get through with minimal struggle. 

            When the ninth on hits my senses I struggle to hold back flashbacks, because this one smells exactly like the alpha that raped me. Not long after I break down crying. The scent stops and Midnight walks over to me "What's wrong" she asks in a soft tone as not to upset me further. "T-that scent i-it sm-smells exsact-l-ly like-" I cut myself off before I say something I might not be able to handle being spoken out loud "What does it smell like?" I think over telling her and eventually come to a conclusion. Composing myself I start telling the story "When I w-was thirteen I got my first heat and before I got safely h-home I was r-raped by an alpha. That smell just smells like him so it brought back memories, and I couldn't help crying" after I told this to Midnight I feel better-like a weight lifted of my shoulders . . . .only 99 more to go.

             "Do you want to continue or stop here?" "Continue" I say after a little while. Midnight turns back on the machine and the same scent hits my nose. I steel myself, not giving in to the scent of bad memories and eventually overcome it. The next one smells of caramel like Kacchans mom I had no problem overcoming that one- it was comforting. the next one was kinda acidic and kinda smelled like lemons and raspberries. 'Funny this one smells like Hawks' this one isn't hard as he is my favorite hero. Yes, I like All Might, but Hawks saved me and without that I would be marked by a random alpha right now. That's been eleven scents, I'm getting a headache. However, the scent changed again-it smells like cinnamon and caramel a very sweet smell. I fall down on my knees and start to undo my blazer. The scent stops before I can finish undoing the first button. that's level 12! You're at a higher level than most people of your age group, they usually only make it to level 6!"

             "Oh . . . . . nice" " Its really good Midoriya ,but if you don't mind me asking a few questions" "Okay." I wonder what she has in mind. . . "Okay, for you what did the last scent smell like?" "Like cinnamon and caramel. Most of the scents I tried to compare the scents to people I know, but that one happens to be very similar to an alpha that's . . . . . close to me." Midnight tells me I can leave, and I walk out, I hope I can make it to my dorm without falling or going to sleep, because I am very unstable walking plus the headache pulsing in my head is making it so I can't think straight(heh you never can Izuku)

            I'm almost to the dorms, I just have to get out the door and through the courtyard.  I made it maybe-I think? I honestly have no idea I'm so disoriented. I sat down and fell asleep

Katsuki's pov

            I went back to my dorm with Kirishima, and to return Deku's stuff to him. Funny though when I got up there, he was curled up in the corner of the hallway asleep "Dude he must've been extremely tried to fall asleep right outside his dorm" "don't you think I fucking know that shitty hair?! Go get pink cheeks" "Why don't you just move him dude?" "Because I'm afraid if I do and he wakes up, I'll be strangled." after I said that Kirishima got Uraraka and she moved Izuku into his room and laid him on the bed.

             About two hours later I knocked on his door to return his stuff thinking he might be awake by now. After about 5 minutes he opens the door looking extremely deshelved. His hair was messier than usual and part of it was flattened against his head, that must've been the side he slept on. "Hey Kacchan" He says tiredly "Um, I came to return your stuff" I hand the stuff to him  "thanks" "if you don't mind, where did you come from that's got you so tired" he looks me dead in the eyes a little annoyed, it honestly scares me a little. "Scent training" He closes the door after that. I weigh the situation of getting seriously hurt by him or going downstairs at playing whatever dumbass game they're playing downstairs- I'll go play the game. I run down the stairs and join them "oh good Bakubabe you can go next!" I slowly walk over joining them "What is this?"

           Evidently, the class is playing this game called 'who knows you better', I am the person they're trying to answer questions about. Before we can start Deku comes down looking a lot happier and wearing my sweatshirt, its cute because it's way too big on him. "Oh, hey Midoriya you wanna join?" "Sure, I guess" there's literally no reason to even compete against him. "we're playing who knows you better, and Bakugou's the one in the middle" he nods smirking a bit. We start and Mina's asking the questions 

           "First question, what is Bakugou's favorite food?" we have buttons we have to hit and the first one to hit the button answers "Shitty Hair?" I say raising one of my eyebrows in question "Spicy ramen" the red head says that one's pretty easy "Next one is, what is Bakugou's parents' names?" nobody pushed their buttons for a while until Deku lightly pressed his "Mitsuki Bakugou and Masaru Bakugou" I see what the nerd's getting at. Mina continues with the questions, but they're pretty mediocre

           Then she gets to the harder questions "What's Bakugou's full name" I watch as the nerd stare at shitty hair for a few moments then pushes his button " Katsuki Ellanor Bakugou" he says blankly, it made my cheeks heat up and I kinda got scared "How'd you know that!?" I look over to raccoon eyes. "Just go to the next question" Pinky composes herself and continues "What is Bakugou scared of? Are we gonna skip that question or-" before she finishes Deku pushes his button "He's afraid of his mother and me calling him by his full name" everyone looks shocked, even Kirishima "Bakubro is that right?" dunce face asks " Yes, its right" I respond embarrassed. We decided to call the game since it was 10:30 and four eyes kept telling us to go to bed every 10 minutes.

Later that night I woke up to something banging against the wall between me and Izuku 

another cliffhanger sorry 


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