Untitled Part 15

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Katsuki's pov

            Every time I try to ask him what happened he cries harder, so I just let him cry for a while. He pulls away from me to look at Hawks and Uraraka. "Sorry for making you guys worry" he mumbles. Hawks goes and hugs him "I'm just glad you're okay. Will you be fine if I head back to my house and try to come tomorrow?" Izuku nods and Hawks leaves closing the door behind him. I eye Uraraka who is standing farthest away, "I'm glad you're okay Izuku . . . I'm gonna go update Denki-" "andTodoroki" Izuku manages to mumble out. "Hm?" "And. Shoto." Uraraka just nods and leaves.

            "are you feeling okay?" Izuku turns his attention to me "I'm a little dizzy and my minds kinda foggy-why are you standing so far away?" Izuku is looking down at the sheets the entire time. I make my way over to him "I just- there's a bunch of different alpha pheromones on you and . . . It frustrates me" I wrap my arms around the omega and he looks up with tears in his emerald eyes. "Can you cover them?" I nodded silently and started releasing my own scent leaving him smelling like caramel. 

            "Now can you tell me what happened" he looked at me with glassy eyes and started fidgeting. "I-I went back to my dorm to lay down, and I was about to just go to sleep for the day. And I had thrown my backpack off and changed into more comfortable clothes when I heard the door open behind me. A-and-" He's crying again "Hey, hey you don't have to tell me now. You've lost a lot of blood." he nods "I don't want to stay here" Izuku whispers into my chest. "You have to you've lost too much blood to leave. . . . . . .Do you want me to stay?" he nods while burying his face in the crock neck.

Keigo(Hawks) pov

            I flew back to my apartment landing on the balcony, I tried the door realizing it was unlocked 'how many times have I told him to lock the door.' I rolled my eyes but walked in none the less. "Touya?" I yelled throughout the apartment, soon a tall male with spiky jet black hair comes from around the corner. "Oh, Keigo you're late getting home today" I could tell he was looking for any sign of anything. "How was your day?" he asks before turning to the kitchen "It was fine . .. "

            "Liar" he eventually says to me, I was so spent the accusation made me break out in tears. Dabi quickly pulls me into a hug when he sees the tears running down my cheeks. "Hey, hey what happened? Did you get hurt, did some alpha come up to you?" His scent was calming but had undertones of worry woven into it. "N-no" Izuku's cut up body kept creeping into my mind "I-izuku, he- I don't know!" "Slow down what happened to Izuku? The league didn't do anything right?!" I shook my head "I don't think so . . .but he- I had to take him to the emergency room. He almost died!"  I yelled. Touya brushes a tear off my cheek with his thumb, "Do you just want to lie down?"

( time skip to the next day so I don't have to end the last paragraph)

            I woke up and rolled over to the wrong side and off the bed. I grumbled and stood up to get dressed for work, and go check on Izuku. After showering I felt weird and kinda warm but got dressed anyway. Once I came into the kitchen I realized how hot I was. The weight pushes down on me trying to cripple me, and the counter top is my only support "Keigo? If you don't hurry up you're-" he sighs and comes over to me. "c'mon Kei" the alpha puts a hand out to me, I reluctantly grabbed it when I felt slick run down one of my legs. I took his hand and Touya led me back to the bedroom "Where's my phone?" "Why?"  "I need to make sure he's okay." Touya sighs but gives it to me anyway. "If you say anything stupid I'll take it back" I nodded then dialed the number

            "Hello?" I heard a different voice come from the other end of the line "wheres Izuku? is he okay still?!" "he's asleep, but he's fine. I don't know if he's gonna be able to leave today but he's doing fine except for a couple nightmares " I sigh in relief "okay thanks" I hung up while feeling another wave of warmth press down on me. "Relax Keigo, you can call in for work later" Touya pins my wrists to the bed and my omega takes over in full force.

Izuku's pov

             They've put six units of blood in me and I still need more. The nurse says that after one more I'll be able to leave. Kacchan already left for school, and most of the cuts on my body have healed.  But Kacchan brought one of my notebooks yesterday, so I started modifying my hero costume.

              "Hey Izuku" I snapped my head up to see Uraraka standing at the door, a bright smile spread across my face "Hey Ura!" She sits on the edge of my bed "So do you know when you're getting let out of here?" I shake my head and go back to my drawing "They haven't told me I can go yet." She looks fidgety and anxious "Uhm, well Izuku Mr. Aziawa's worried and he wants to know what happened" I put down my pencil with a shaky hand as I braced for the bits of memories that flooded my brain.

            "I went to lay down again but soon I heard my door open, I thought it was Denki or Kacchan s-so I paid no attention to it. But whoever they were came over and dragged me onto the ground." I paused to clear the thickness from my throat "I got cut because I wouldn't comply with what they wanted me to do, and they were about to take me but they heard people approaching." Hot tears streamed down my face, I was angry at myself for being this weak again. 'The fact I let someone do this to me again, and to scare Kacchan like this again- why should I even be a hero if I can't protect myself. I'm a pathetic excuse for a hero-' a hand rests on my shoulder "Izuku, that is not true. You are trying so hard, and I bet you'll be the top hero when we graduate"

            It didn't surprise me that I mumbled that all out for Uraraka to hear. "No, I won't!" I continued to cry while muttering "I can't . . I'll never . . .why should I . . what if I just died" I muttered but Uraraka heard all of my last sentence "NO! You better not die, you can't die! What would Bakugou do if he heard you say that?!" A growl comes from the ajar door. "I would say that the nerd better not fucking die on me!" My eyes widen and my sobs get louder.

            Uraraka gets up so I fall over curled into a ball with my body violently shaking from my crying. The bed shifts and I get pulled to something warm and comforting. Pale arms embrace my small body. "Izuku shhh, you're fine. You won't die- I won't let you, you'll be okay" the voice whispers these sweet nothings to me. 'Kacchan probsbly only pity's me, he doesn't actually love me. All of my friends only like me because I'm a weak and pathetic excuse for and omega, nobody likes me, Nobody will care if I'm dead' my thoughts get the best of me and I just go limp in the alpha's arms. "Deku? Izuku don't you dare think that! I love you, dunce face is your best friend like Kirshima is mine! Uraraka wouldn't dare let you die and neither would I!" 

          'i'm so tired, I can't move' a smile finds my face and I let the darkness fill my head, and my mind rests.

I'm sorry for the ending, I just kinda needed to see if typing it helped like I could relate to a character now, but I hope you liked it


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