Chapter 19

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Kacchan's pov:

            I looked through my bag for what Deku was asking and freaking out about, the clear bag isn't in my backpack. "Um, sorry it's not in here?" Deku's breaths get faster as he starts to hyperventilate and I can see him almost pulling out his hair "Hey Deku, take your hands out of your hair and look at me" he doesn't seem to hear me and starts mumbling to himself. " . . . .can't . . . need them . . . . .relapse . . . . . get them . . . .kill"  some of the last words catch my attention and I try to help him more than before. "Hey deku, what do you need, tell me so I can help?!" He takes his hands out of his ha and curls up in a ball while starting to recede into the far corner of the room. "Izuku I need to know what is wrong so I can help?!" I see the tears coming down his face and go up to him and crouch down to his level. "M-my meds . . . . I can't, they're gone!" 'He doesn't have his medication, and it's 11:15' "C'mon Deku we are gonna go to the school and get whatever you need." He wasn't budging and was clearly lost in his head. I go downstairs and look for my mom to see her on the couch with my dad

            "Hey, old hag!" my dad speaks first "Katsuki you know you-" "What brat?!" my dad gives in after the old hag opens her mouth. "Deku forgot something at the school and I have to get it can you make sure he stays okay while I'm gone?" she looks at me slightly confused "What, why, I'm sure we have whatever he needs here?!" I shook my head "He forgot a little bag that has all of his suppressants, narcotics and anything else he takes, right now hes upstairs having a panic attack I think but I can't think of anything to calm his panic except for to get what he needs." my mom frowns a little then goes up to my room. "Well go!" she shoo's me off and I go out the door and start running to the school. 

            I tried my student ID card that is supposed to get me in and out of the school, but I can't get in because of the stupid fucking curfew. I call up Aziawa as a last resort "Katsuki Bakugou you better be dying to call me at nearly 12AM." I could hear the annoyed undertone in his voice but this was pretty important. "Deku forgot his medication in the dorms and we are staying at my moms house, he's having a fucking panic attack right now and I can't get onto the damn property." there was only a second of silence "I'll meet you at the gate, wait a second" he hung up and it took five minutes for him to get to the gate and opens it. "Get in here problem child because have to do this to let you out too" we hurry to the 1-A dorm, and I start to look through Deku's room, but I didn't find it so I rushed to the only person I knew that was still here.

            I furiously knocked on the half and half bastards door. He comes out slightly confused, "Oh hi Bakugou, what do you need?" he said in the same monotone he always has. "Me and Deku are staying at my house and he forgot his medication but I can't find it." he nods "It should be in his bathroom in the top right drawer and if its not there then check his nightstand or his yellow backpack." I wondered how he knew all the places it might be. I ignore this and look where he says I found it in his nightstand drawer then met Aziawa in the common room and left. I sprinted back to my parents house and knocked on the door. 

            My dad opens the door and nods when he glances down at the small bag in my hand. I walked upstairs to see Izuku still crying while my mom tried to console him and she was rubbing his back and telling him 'it was okay 'and that 'we are gonna get them for you soon' "Hey deku" he doesn't seem to hear me so I go over to the small boy and kiss his forehead "C'mon nerd, Izuku, I have your stuff stop crying please?" he looks up at the mention of his given name. "K-Kacchan?" he sees the small clear bag with multiple orange bottles in it and he hugs me lightly "thank you" he whispers "anything for you Deku" I whisper back, and the heavy blanket of distress in the air was penetrated by my calming scent overpowering it.

Izuku's pov:

            I was spiraling and my thoughts swirled around with such speed it was like a hurricane. 'NO,NO,NO, I can't of forgot them, I can't of left them I NEED them! MY SUPPRESSANTS! no, without them my heats-my heats gonna relapse and then I'll be out of school! I need to get them I'm already-' An old voice echo's through my mind and it felt like a monster was let out of it's cage. 'hey Izuku~ It's been awhile since we've talked~' This voice is the voice that has dove me to almost kill myself before. I scooted back into the corner and wrapped my hands around my knees, all of my other senses are put in the background as the panic festers in me.

            "-Know, so I can help?!" I didn't catch all of the sentence, but I heard enough to know what he was asking. "M-My meds . . . . .I can't- They're gone!" My head is still spinning and a sour scent is rolling off me in heavy waves. I hear muffled sounds and smell a faint trace of Kacchans scent leaving.

            In a few minutes a familiar scent feeds into the room, it's an alpha's scent but I can't pin point who it is . . . . "Izuku? Katsuki's worried about you, you know? Can you calm down just a little and tell me whats wrong?" A hand rubs my back and I pull my head out of my knees to see auntie I fling into a hug and keep crying, she's like my second mom and it was comforting. I cried for who knows how long until there was a small kiss placed on my forehead as I stared back at my boyfriend. "C'mon nerd, Izuku, I have your stuff so stop crying?" I looked up at him when he said Izuku "K-Kacchan." my eyes dart to the small bag in his hand, I hugged him with the little strength I had left. "Thank you" I whispered in his ear then buried my face in the side of his neck, taking in the calming scent. "Anything for you Deku"

            Kacchan picks me up to take me to the bathroom and reads the dosage on each bottle. After putting all the pills in a little cup he gives me water and tells me to take them. "Take a shower it will clear your head a bit" Kacchan hands me a towel and my bed clothes.

            After I came out of the bathroom I felt a lot better and I went to the full sized bed Kacchan had and layed on it too. "Hey Kacchan?" He looks down from his phone "You look like you are feeling better?" I nod "mhm, can I have one of your sweatshirts? Please?" he puts his phone on the charger then pulls me in closer "Is this better?" I nod then take in more of his caramel like scent, I fell asleep fast because I was so tired. Before completely drifting off to sleep I felt a small kiss placed on my forehead. I smiled lightly then fell unconscious.

I put a decent amount of chapters out these couple weeks but that's gonna change because I go back to school Monday the 9th sooo, thx for reading I really appreciate it. I am thinking about doing a Q/A chapter or like an information chapter on the characters/ships

-Stella :)

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