Chapter 43: Teen Titans GO!

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Terra stared at the massive monitor in the main chamber of Slade's secret underground base. A map of the city was pulled up on the screen as she stared blankly at it. Her mind racing with images of a defeated Peter. Her knee bounced anxiously as she sat in front of the monitor.

Suddenly her attention was grabbed by the sound of meniacle cackling echoing through the cavern walls behind her that startled her, causing her to jump to her feet with fright. She slowly started down the tunnel to the next chamber as the cackling sounded again, sending a shiver up her spine. She followed the sound into the next chamber, a massive room filled with Slade bots standing shoulder to shoulder in formation. Terra stepped out onto the catwalk overlooking the room to see Slade standing at the front of the formation with Jinx, Gizmo, Scorpion, and Mammoth standing closely behind them.

The former titan slowly made her way down the steps toward them and gasped as she could her the cackling once more, echoing throughout the entire base, emanating from eye patch wearing villain himself. She shakily made her way around the formation over to the group and quietly watched from the back.

"The time to attack is now." Slade said with a sneering sinister tone, very unlike his usual speaking pattern.

Terra raised an eyebrow in confusion as Slade quickly turned his head, before speaking again.

"Do not be foolish, Goblin." Slade said, his normal speaking tone. Terra was even more confused as it seemed Slade was switching between two different personalities entirely. "We got this far by being smart and careful. A plan must be made."

He turned his head again and his lips curled into a wide toothy smile. "Coward!" The Goblin said. "Spider-Man was the biggest threat. With him gone, nobody in this city can stand in our way. Especially that team of pathetic children!" He paused, letting out a sinister chuckle, before adding. "You wanted power, Wilson... You've got it."

"Do not underestimate our opponent." Slade replied. "We may have beaten the Spider... But it was a dishonorable victory."

"Honor?! Hahahaha!" Goblin cackled throughout the halls. Terra and the others gave each other confused and worried looks as they watched the scene. "You... You sound just like HIM." He paused again to let out another cackle. "If not for YOU. We could have had an ARMY."

"An army willing and capable of betraying me." Slade replied. "I know better than to trust myself."

"Coward!" Goblin said again. "We have a new world to conquer!... We just have to reach out and take it!"

"Man, you're a fucking lunatic!" Scorpion finally said, waving his green armored arms as he turned to walk away. "My work here is done. I'm outta here!"

Slade did not turn to look at him as he walked towards the exit, before saying. "Where do you think you're going?"

Scorpion stopped in his tracks and Slade turned his head to look at him with a wide toothy grin. Scorpion turned and looked back, reeling his massive tail over his head defensively.

"The deal was to kill Spider-Man." Scorpion replied. "That's all I wanted. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna follow some freak who talks to himself."

Slade turned and slowly walked over to Scorpion until he was merely a foot away. Gargan pointed his tail directly at Slade's head.

"There are more people from your world to find." Goblin replied. "You're done... When I say you're done."

Gargan leaned his face inward and looked back at Slade, his armored mask merely inches from the eye patched villain.

"And what if I don't?" Scorpion replied.

Slade didn't say anything at first, instead turning his back to Scorpion, which immediately made him lower his tail with a cocky smirk. Then before anybody could react, Slade reached for his belt and pulled it from it's sheath, before spinning around and plunging it into Scorpion's face, breaking through his armored face shield.

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