Chapter 9: Spider-Man and the Titans

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In the following week, Peter found himself feeling more like himself again. Nightly meditation with Raven had made not only his nightmares go away, but his Spider Sense was starting to get back to normal. At first, Raven was a little annoyed to be disturbed, but eventually it seemed as though she expected him to show up every night.
He found himself growing closer with all of the Titans in general. He would often join Beastboy and Cyborg with video games, often carrying the game. His skill only made the two more competitive, taking turns trying to beat him.

"Come on, no Spider sense!" Beastboy would shout.

"Spider sense only works for real danger." Peter would retort, cheekily. "Just gotta get better."

He wasn't sure how to feel about Starfire. Her lack of understanding of social cues was often pretty funny, but her interests were a little... strange. Peter chalked it up to her just being from a different planet and thus had different culture. He enjoyed her though.

They had become a well oiled machine, with his Spider sense proving to be quite an asset to the team. He no longer got in the way and he genuinely felt like an asset to the team. This felt very good to him; a nice change of pace from the guilt of leaving his old world behind. Raven was right, and now that he was feeling better he began to accept that perhaps this world needed him just as much as his own. He had finally found somewhere he belonged, and although the prospect of losing any more friends was agony to think about, he figured they'd be in danger with or without him. So he may as well let himself be a part of something. After all the time he had spent with them, he couldn't imagine leaving them alone simply because he was scared he would fail.

These were his friends.

Finally, after two weeks of training as a team, Peter was finally ready to join them on their first mission. Peter was startled one night by Robin swiftly opening his door. Peter glanced up from his phone as the boy wonder peeked his head inside.

"Hey, you ready?" He said with a grin.
"Ready for what?-"

Peter was interrupted when Robin tossed a yellow communicator just like his into Peter's hands. "You're a part of the team, now. Time for your first mission. Get your suit on and meet us outside."

Peter was excited to hear that. Compared to the holograms, some regular thugs had to be child's play, or so he thought. He was ready to get back to some real Spiderman-ing, so he threw on his suit and ran outside. The team took off toward the city, the sun was nearly down by now, leaving the sky a deep blue color with a little bit of light still left.

"Okay, guys." Robin said over the communicator. "We got a call about a chemical lab being broken into. They aren't sure who it is, but they seem pretty heavily armed. The cops can't get any closer. So it's up to us to get him. Spiderman, you, me, and Raven will enter through the roof, whole the others provide covering fire from the front door. Keep his attention so we can flank him."

They eventually reached their destination near the harbor and surveyed the scene from afar. Police cars and swat trucks surrounded the building. Several of them had been destroyed already and were up in flames. They couldn't see anybody through the windows, only a table full of firearms and various explosives.

"Titans go!" Robin shouted as they all took positions according to the plan.
Peter landed on the roof and stared down through one of the skylights with the other two. He peered through the dimly lit lab, but didn't see anybody.

"Where is he?" He whispered through the comm.

Suddenly the roof exploded from beneath their feet and Peter and Robin fell through, with Rave catching them telekinetically. She set them down on the scaffolding above the lab and they all looked around. Starfire and Cyborg breached the front doors with a crash and Peter felt his spider senses tingle, noticing several proximity explosives in front of the door.

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