Chapter 5: Meet the Titans

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The ride from Gotham to Jump City was obscenely long and left Peter's legs aching the entire way. It had to have been the most boring trip he had ever been on. Normally when crossing the country he would at least sleep, but he didnt want to embarrass himself by having a nightmare in front of a bunch of strangers, so Peter didn't sleep at all. He could feel the sleep deprivation getting to him majorly. As he got off the bus, the morning sun nearly blinded him and cause his eyes to keep going crossed. He knew he needed to sleep, but the feeling of being so close to his destination made him not really care.
Finding the Teen Titans, thankfully wasnt as hard as finding Batman. He could see the massive 'T' shaped building literally towering over the city skyline. So that was exactly where he headed first. His head was fogger than ever. He barely noticed his spider sense tingling, as he fought his own eye lids to stay open. He was starting to see hallucinations by this point and he generally felt pretty numb.

How long had he been awake now?
He tried to recall in his head as he reached the shore across from the Tower. That had to be the place. He didn't even bother wearing his mask as he jumped as high as he could, well over the light poles, before swinging across the water to the small island. However upon landing, Peter collapsed onto the grass. He lied there on his stomach, knowing how vulnerable he was, but unable to keep his eyes open. Before he knew it, exhaustion had lulled him quickly to sleep.

Though he was extremely tired, he still had the same nightmare as always. Falling through starry void, before suffocating. He woke up, gasping for breath and sweating as always. As he gained his composure he looked around and noticed an unfamiliar setting. He was in what looked like a hospital, but from the future. Metallic walls and advanced technology he had never seen before.

"Please don't be aliens." He said through his heaving breaths.

"Oh you scared me!" Came a male voice from the door way. Peter looked up to see a tall, muscular African-American boy standing in the doorway. Peter noticed that most of his body was covered in robotic parts, even most of his face. "Glad to see you're finally awake."

"Where am I?" Peter asked as he wiped the sweat off his brow.

The man gave a casual wave and a grin. "Hey hey hey, relax." He said. "We found you out front on our lawn so we took you in to have you looked at. Normally we'd just take you to the hospital, but-"

"Is this Titans Tower?" Peter interrupted.

"Well yeah." The man gave a sheepish grin and scratched his head in confusion. "That's kinda why we took you in. Figured it must be important. Or at least we hoped."

Peter gave a sigh of relief and felt his heart slow back to a normal rate. He was so worried he would be set back even further because of himself.

"Thank you!" Peter smiled, kindly.

"Well you were asleep for over seventeen hours." He replied. "Couldn't just leave you out there. I'm Cyborg, by the way." The man held out his robotic hand.

Peter smiled and shaked it, "Peter Parker."

Peter stretched his back and yawned as he was still partially waking up. Then suddenly he remembered his mission. His drive was back as well as his energy almost immediately

"Nice to meet you, Peter Parker." The man said with a casual grin. "So what brings you here of all places? You're not homeless are you?"

"No" Peter chuckled, "Not anymore."

"Good, cause the only people camping out there is us." Cyborg laughed, "So what does bring you here?"

"I was sent here by Batman." He explained, nearly begging as he spoke, "I really really needed to talk to this girl, Raven. So I can convince her to help me get home, cause if I don't lots of people are gonna be in danger, and if I dont-"

Spider-Man: New Home (18+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora