Chapter 8: Fondness Blossoming.

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Peter awakened late one morning to the sound of his phone going off on his bedside table. The blaring of the alarm was an extreme shock to his senses and Peter immediately shot out of bed, before falling to the floor with a thud, wincing in pain as he peeled his eyes open, the alarm still blaring over him.

He quickly shot to his feet like a spring and grabbed the phone, fumbling it in his hand with haste as he accepted the call and Robin's face stared back at him.

"Robin." Peter yawned. "What's up? We got trouble?"

"Not quite." Robin replied with a smirk. "It's almost time for training, where are you?"

"I'm uh..." he paused to yawn again with abig stretch, before continuing. "I was still sleeping. What time is it?"

"Almost noon." Robin replied with an amused smirk. "Not a very heroic sleeping schedule you have, is it?" He chuckled in a teasing manner.

"It IS, just not for me." Peter replied with a chuckle, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up more. "I'll be down in a minute."

He quickly hung up the call and tossed the communicator onto his bed before pulling off his pajamas. He went over to his dresser and quickly slipped on his uniform halfway up before grabbing his mask and running hurriedly into the hall. He slid into the kitchen, still slipping his arms into the suit as he grabbed a cup and poured some coffee, not even stopping for cream or sugar. He quickly slipped his other arm into the suit, before picking up the cup an running for the training room. As he ran, he practically chugged the black coffee, wincing with disgust, but still drinking it in order to wake up.

By the time he got to the training room the cup was empty, leaving a terribly bitter after taste in his mouth. He set the cup on a table as he entered and watched with amusement as Beastboy lied on the floor with a dazed look on his face, with Starfire standing over him.

"I can't feel my anything." Beastboy groaned.

"You did give it your best." Starfire chimed apologetically and offered him a hand up. "You lasted far longer his time."

Robin saw Peter from behind the small observation room to the right of the door with the other Titan sitting in there. He immediately exited the room as Starfire helped Beastboy into he room to sit down.

"Whats going on?" Peter asked, looking at Beastboy with a worried expression. "Is he okay?"

"Oh yeah. He'll be fine." Robin waved it off. "Today we're doing training a little differently."

"No team training today?" He replied.
Robin shook his head. "Nope. We will practicing facing other super powered people. YOU will be sparring with one of us."

Peter's stomach dropped at that and he gave his leader a worried look and he looked one more to Beastboy in the observation room groaning in pain still from his match with Starfire.

"Are you sure?" Peter replied. "I-I mean I don't wanna hurt you guys."

"Ooh, cocky!" Cyborg replied with a challenging grin. "I like it!"

"No-no-no!" Peter stammered with worry. "It's not like that. I-its just... well." He gestured to Robin. "You've seen what I can do. And... we're on the same side, you know?"

"Relax." Robin chuckled patting Peter on the shoulder. "Youre not fighting to the death. Sparring is just the best way for a fighter to improve their skills. Practicing against an actual person makes it more challenging, you know?"

Peter was still worried, however. "Hehe, sure... whatever you say, Robin."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Cyborg perked up, raising his mechanical arm into the air and eagerly waving it overhead. "I wanna spar with the fresh meat first!"

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