Chapter 30: Invasion

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One morning, the sun cast a brilliant golden light over New York City. The peace of the city was interrupted, however by a commotion that had been going on all night. The source of this commotion was coming from the Statue of Liberty. Massive booms, flashes of light, and other ferocious roars echoed over the city. Even as loud as the city itself usually was, the event could be heard above it all.

By the time the sun began to peek over the horizon, one final explosion echoed across the water before leaving the island in silence for a few moments. The island was once being reconstructed for a new design, and now the progress that had been made lied in ruin around the towering statue, with a massive shield, meant to me added, lying in the water. Two men fell from the sky in a trail of smoke, before crashing onto the shield with a heavy roll. One of the men, Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man. The other, Norman Osborne, aka Green Goblin.
As Peter and Osborne stumbled to their feet they eyed each other with intense fury. Five other people watched the scene as it happened. Two of them dressed in Spider-Man outfits; alternate versions of Peter Parker. The other two were Peter's friends, Ned and MJ. The fifth person was Raven, unbeknownst to everyone there, floating in midair over the scene, unable to be seen by anybody. She watched in shock as Peter flared his teeth and glared at his adversary with utter blood lust.

"Poor Peter." Osborne taunted. "Too weak... to send me home to die."

"No." Peter replied, not breaking eye contact for a moment. "I just wanna kill you myself."

The Goblin grinned widely in response, and replied. "Attaboy!"

Peter grunted with fury and traded blow after blow with the Goblin, eventually gaining the upper hand with Osborne's arm webbed to his thigh while Peter landed blow after blow upon his helpless enemy. Raven was surprised to see the fury and hate in his eyes, as it was completely unlike him. She could sense how lost, confused, and hurt he was. It was as if his whole world had fallen apart. Peter then slowly reached down and grabbed the Goblin's glider from his feet and raised it over his head, its razor sharp blades aiming directly for his foe. He lunged the weapon down with all his might, intending to kill, but at the last moment another person stepped in and pushed back against the glider with equal force
It was the oldest of the three Peter's. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have to. He gave him a look as if to say, you're better than this. After a few moments, the younger Peter let go of the glider and dropped it, making the decision to spare Osborne's life. Suddenly the older Peter was stabbed in his lower back by the Goblin with a sinister cackle and the older Peter collapsed onto the giant Captain America shield.

The Goblin rose to his feet with a stumble. Peter turned to face him with a determined glare. "She was there because of you." Goblin laughed. "I may have struck the blow, but you..." Raven could sense the pain the words were causing him as well as how much Peter was suddenly restraining himself from finishing his foe. "YOU are the one that killed her." The Goblin let out a final bellowing cackle.

Suddenly the third Peter threw a green glass tube from atop he scaffolding and the first Peter caught it. The Goblin's cackling was cut short when Peter injected him in the neck with the tube. Suddenly Norman Osborne's eyes softened, appearing confused.
Rave could tell it was over and pondered about it for a moment as Peter said goodbye to the other Peter's before going to check his friends. Not only did she feel sorry for him, but she had a strange urge to hug him tightly and stroke his hair. Perhaps, that was Happy getting out again. In reality she adored him, though she always played it off in her usual calm and reserved way. After being without him for two weeks it felt as though she was returning home after a two week mission to outer space.
She looked down and saw the memory of Peter and his friends talking in the distance. This memory alone was a lot to take in, but she was glad to have seen it.

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