Chapter 42: By The Powers Of Azerath...

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Robin and the other Titans met at the T-Car still very confused as to how little trouble they had gotten. After coordinating with the fire department, they helped everybody caught in the fires to get out and were still for Slade's forces to make their next move. However, nothing was in sight.

"This is wicked creepy, dudes." Beastboy said as they all stood outside the T-Car.

"What was the purpose of these attacks?" Starfire asked with a worried look. "These were simply people's homes."

"I don't like this." Robin shook his head and pulled out his communicator. "I'm gonna check on Peter and Cyborg."

"I would put that away for now." Raven said staring off in the other direction.

The other Titans looked to see what she was staring at as two armored trucks pulled up just down the road from them and Slade's androids started exiting from the back. All of the civilians immediately started running away in a panic. Six of the drones came out of the back last with a single clone of Slade bound by chains. It's body was hideously covered in sores to the point where they couldn't even put armor on it and instead lead it into the streets bare chested. It's mouth foaming underneath it's black and orange mask as it babbled incoherently to itself.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Beastboy gagged.

"Save it for later, Beastboy." Robin waved it off as he put his communicator away and extended his staff in front of him. "Titans go!"

Many of the drones charged ahead, sending a massive barrage of laser fire at the Titans. Raven, Starfire, and Beastboy we're able to fly upwards to dodge the fire, while Robin was forced to dive behind a nearby car for cover. Starfire and Raven charged ahead with the orange alien girl sending a barrage of green star bolts at the enemies, blasting many of them to pieces. Raven followed behind her and lifted the two armored trucks into the air and threw them at the crowd of enemies that was closest.

As soon as she did, another wave of drones leaped over the trucks and kicked the two girls from the air. Beastboy swooped in after with Robin charging in, throwing a fistful of smoke pellets into the middle of the action. Beastboy changed his form from that of a hawk into a bull and started charging through robot after robot, tearing each of them to pieces. Robin flipped over the green bull and started attacking the drones on all sides with his staff.

Raven and Starfire picked themselves back up and flew over head. Starfire let out a powerful continuous blast of green energy that tore through a wave of enemies. Raven followed after, picking the trucks up once more, sending them both crashing through the last of the drones, causing them to let go of the chains and free the hideous Slade clone.

It stood there for a few moments, looking at the freed chains around its neck in confusion, before lifting it's arms and breaking out of the chains around its wrists and ankles in one swift motion. It's incoherent babbling slowly shifted into a low, dog like growl as it eyes the Titans with intense fury.

"Look alive, guys!" Robin shouted, readying a handful of explosive shurikens. "This is gonna get messy."

Beastboy changed his form into a Tiger and joined the Titans as they squared off against the final enemy. The clone slowly began lumbering toward them and quickly shifted into a galloping like run as it growled more and more intensely at them.

Starfire immediately attacked with a powerful concentrated blast of green energy, which staggered the clone for a moment, before it continued it's rage fueled gallop. Robin followed, throwing his explosives directly at the creature, which did little to slow it's pace before it could swat Robin to the side.

"Robin!" Starfire shouted, before blasting the creature with another powerful beam with fury.

Beastboy swatted and clawed st the clone, knocking it back, before it quickly grabbed him and lifted him over it's head, bending the green tiger backwards. Raven quickly swooped in and ripped a chunk of the pavement from the ground, before knocking the creature back with great force.

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