Chapter 6: Down Came the Rain

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It had been three days since Peter started staying with the Teen Titans and he was growing more and more anxious by the hour. He wanted to check in with Raven and see if she had found anything, but he rarely ever saw her, so he didn't want to bother her. He would scour the numerous bookshelves scattered around the Tower, looking for Quantum Physics books or anything that could possibly connect with the multiverse. When his eyes would grow tired after hours of reading, he would go out and swing through the new city.
He wasn't exactly looking for crime anymore, mainly just swinging to clear his head.

It was nearly evening, which meant the Titans would soon serve dinner. He immediately turned around in midair and started swinging toward the tower. He threw his hand up as he swung, shielding the brilliant orange sunset from his eyes. He was taking a deep swing that would send him flying quite far over the city, when suddenly he felt the web go loose from the building he had webbed. He fell toward the streets below, waving his hands frantically webbing anything he could. He attached to another building, but that web was cut as well. He couldn't even see who was doing it because the sun was in his eyes. He kept trying to regain his swing, but it was too late as he slammed against the concrete of a secluded alley.

Every inch of his body throbbed in agonizing pain. He couldn't breathe, let alone move as he stared up at the evening sky. He gasped for breath, but the pain from his broken ribs was too much to bear.

He saw a shadow slowly approaching him from the end of the hallway and tried to lift his hand to web them, but his wrist was swiftly pinned against the concrete. He could feel the cold edge of a sword being pressed against his throat, but he still couldn't make out who the figure was.

Peter was completely helpless to the figure. He gulped as he struggled to get up still. Was he about to die? Right here in some strange alley? It was all so sudden, but Peter couldn't even form a strategic thought.

How far did he fall?

Thirty stories?

Maybe more?

Peter strained again, but the more he did the more he could feel his bones and muscles aching. It was no use to fight. Peter was done for.

With tears whelling up he stopped struggling and closed his eyes, awaiting the death that was sure to come. Suddenly the foot lifted from his wrist and just as he was about to pass out he saw the figure leap away with great haste, and that was the last he saw.

Peter woke up hours later, back at Titans Tower in the infirmary again. He opened his eyes with a groan as the light nearly blinded him. He could feel bandages all up and down his arms, legs, torso, and even head. That felt like the worst fall he had ever had. He could still feel his head pounding and his body aching, but it was nothing like before. He lifted his head and struggled to sit up.

The first thing he saw was none other than Raven herself sitting cross legged in midair reading a book. She didn't seem to notice him as he woke up and just kept telekinetically turning the page and sipping from her tea cup.

"Hey." Peter groaned, causing Raven to glance up from her book.

She slammed her book shut and set her things down on the table. She let her feet touch the ground and folded her arms disapprovingly. "So... didn't go as well as you expected, huh?"

Peter chuckled with light confusion. "Nah I've fallen before. It's no big deal."

"Oh really?" Raven replied with a sarcastic laugh. The laugh, while fake, sent a chill up Peter's spine. "You know if not for me healing you... you'd be dead, right?"

Peter hadn't thought about that and instantly remembered being attacked. He felt his ribs and noticed that they were merely bruised now and he could actually breathe. Peter was flattered by this, judging by her attitude, he didn't expect such help from her.

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