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Beth screamed as scorching flames singed her skin. She was surrounded by flames, orange and blue alike. The heat alone was too much to bear, yet she had managed to endure it for far longer than anyone should have.

She'd lost track of how long she'd been there. Had it been a year? Five years? Ten? A hundred?

A warm, bright light entered the room and she shut her eyes.

Demons screamed and she risked a look to see their eyes being burned out.

The trench-coated man raised his hand and freed her from her prison before saying, "We need to go."

Beth frowned. "Who are you?"

He said nothing and instead, took her to the surface. "Find Dean Winchester."

Beth banged at her coffin, coughing as she tried getting air.

She managed to break free and eventually climbed to the surface, getting dirt in her hair and on her skin. But she could care less.

Beth collapsed on the ground and took her first breath of fresh air in what felt like years.

She turned to the coffin and saw the inscription.

FEBRUARY 14, 1980 - DECEMBER 27, 2004

Beth stared at the coffin a moment and nodded. "Right. Dean Winchester. Where are you?"

She eventually came upon a makeshift cross and decided to wait a moment to see what would happen. For some reason, one she didn't understand, the spot felt right, like she was meant to be there at that exact moment.

Dearest BethWhere stories live. Discover now