Chapter 28 (A Trip Down Memory Lane)

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"Hey, I heard that there's going to be like a school fair, are you going?" Hailey asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I always go every year. It's fun, you should go."

Every year, our student council prepares this school fair in the middle of the year. The school fair is like this charity that our school came up with. I gotta give the council credit because the school fair is one of the most exciting things that happens in our school.

Every year the rides and games are different. There's food, ride, games and prizes just like a real fair although it's always held at our football field and gym so that it can seem like a real fair. Most rides and food booths are in the football field while other booths and games are in the gym.

Hailey nodded. "Okay, honestly I have never been to a fair or a carnival, although people say their fun." She confessed as we entered the classroom.

I grinned at her. "Don't worry, you'll love this one."


Another loud knock came at my room door. "Hurry up! We're only waiting for you!" El screamed from the other side of the door.

I grabbed my phone and bag before I quickly opened the door to see an impatient El glaring at me. I gave her a sheepish smile before she grabbed my elbow and pulled me downstairs. I stumbled trying to catch up with her pace.

"Thank god you're done!" Axel sighed once he saw us.

"Not my fault Hailey hogged the entire bathroom for thirty minutes." I glared at my cousin who just smiled and shrugged in response.

"We have to go, the others are probably already waiting for us in school." El prompted, we all scrambled out of the house and got into Axel's car.

"Relax, I'm pretty sure the others are still on their way." I said.

"Matt just texted me five minutes ago that their already at the gym." El said matter-of-factly.

Hailey yawned in her seat beside me. "Why do you guys need to go to the school fair so early, it's still nine in the morning."

"The school fair starts at eight, if you want to get on the rides faster, we should go early or else we be caught between a long line." Axel said from the front.

El turned around in her seat to face Hailey. "And besides, the earlier we go, the more fun time we have." She grinned.

"The fair will be held for two days, we still got today and Sunday to enjoy." I said.

"I'd rather go today to get it over with, plus there's nothing to do so why not go?" Axel said.

We arrived at the parking lot and was lucky to find one near the entrance. The parking lot was half full already meaning some people decided to have the same idea as us and come early. We all hopped out of the car and went towards the direction of the school's entrance.

There were also food booths around the halls which some people were already buying from. We head into the gym and spotted the three idiots waiting by the hotdog stand.

"Finally you guys made it." Tyler said, giving us all a smile.

"Blame little miss preppy here, she was the one holding us back." El said, rolling her eyes.

"I said Hailey hogged the bathroom." I crossed my arms across my chest.

The said girl shrugged. "I was busy fixing my bird nest of a hair." She defended.

"Anyway, before we waste time arguing here, let's go to some rides before the line gets too long." Matt interupted.

We tried this new ride called the 'anti-gravity' where the ride basically turns 360˚ degrees. It spun us upside down, side to side and basically any direction.

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