Chapter 17 : Struggle

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Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung were in Jungkook's car, right behind the ambulance that came for Hoseok.  Taehyung offered to drive as he was the least distraught of them all. Junghyun accompanied Hoseok in the ambulance.

Jimin has been crying non-stop on Yoongi's chest; the latter, sobbing quietly. Jungkook, on the other hand, has stopped crying and hasn't said a word since they left the condo.

Taehyung was getting anxious as he would rather see Jungkook cry than be quiet.  He wants Jungkook to let it all out — the anger, the pain and frustration. However, he decided not to say anything and just held Jungkook's hand which was resting on the latter's left leg.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and pressed on his boyfriend's hand to show his appreciation.

They reached the hospital ten minutes later, with Jungkook immediately jumping out of the car when it stopped in front of the ER entrance. Yoongi and Jimin followed suit, leaving Taehyung to park the car by himself.

When Taehyung jumped out of the car, four men in black suit and face mask approached him.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung, we will need you to come with us." One of the men said.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"You'll know the answers eventually."

"Well, I'm not coming with you.

"Don't let us take you by force."

"Who says I'm gomna allow that to happen? Taehyung said as he held the car keys which he thought of using to defend himself. He then felt something attached to Jungkook's car keys.

Pepper spray. He thought.

He stepped backwards slowly and moved close to the car. One of the men approached him and when he was close enough, Taehyung sprayed the pepper spray on his face, clicked on the car remote and quickly entered the car and locked it. 

He quickly took his phone and called Yoongi as the other men started banging at the car window trying to break it.

Yoongi answered the call.

Y: Taeh? We're at the —
T: Hyung!!! Help me, there are men at the parking lot trying to break the car window.
Y: Fuck! I'll be there! Start honking the car horn, Taeh and don't stop until I get there!

Taehyung threw the phone on the passenger seat and started honking the car horn comtinuously. The men realized what he was trying to do so one of them took out his gun and started pounding on the window, smashing the glass in the process.

Taehyung jumped on the passenger side as the man reached for the door lock. Taehyung kicked his hand hard, making the man grunt loudly, retracting his hand out of the car.

Suddenly, he saw Yoongi appear from behind and swung his fist hard on one of the men. Since Taehyung knew that they had a gun, he jumped out of the passenger seat and ran to help Yoongi.

Taehyung hit the last man standing, making the latter fall down on thr ground. He then kicked the man's stomach hard.

Just then, hospital guards showed up with Jimin, helping Yoongi and Taehyung immediately.  The two guards held one man each while Yoongi had one pinned face down on the ground with his knee. The man who Taehyung sprayed pepper spray on ran away while still rubbing his eyes.  Jimin ran after him, but Yoongi yelled at him to stop and said to just let him go.

One of the guards radioed for back up and then cuffed the man with him. The other guard did the same thing and within minutes, two other guards appeared.  All three men were taken away to be handed over to the police.

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