Chapter 9

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I paused at his declaration trying hard to mask my surprise. Without my Maximus I am complete fucking toast. Also there's the fact that I don't even know how to actually control it, it just happens when I'm super upset as far as I know. And as an added bonus, I can't fight! The maneuvers I used with Marcus and Archie were stuff I picked up from watching my dad train my sister a long time ago and I barely got by. Marcus was fast and superbly skilled. If it wasn't for him pulling his punches and my Maximus I'm sure I would be very severely injured. As for Archie, that was strictly by chance, and amateur grappling practice that I picked up on wouldn't work on this big dude.

Besides all that, I can't tell them that I don't know how to control it yet. They will think that I'm even more unstable and untrustworthy. I also can't decline his challenge either. Everyone was already watching us or more so me with scorn and expectation. My regiment knows I can't fight but still they want me to accept. I can feel the charge in the air from their silent excitement. I can't decline. If I do, I lose my chances at gaining some respect from my regiment and sullying my barely managing plan. I have to play my cards right. Maybe if I can manage to remain calm I won't activate my Maximus. I can do that.... I can. I have to. If it does activate, I'll just have to come up with a plan along the way.

"That's no problem." I finally answered with a stiff nod and he gave me a smile.

"Right now."

"This time is as perfect as any."

Without a second thought he sent his elbow into my nose with a quick twist of his big body. I felt the crunch of the cartilage caving in before the pain settled. I grounded my teeth together as I stumbled back from him and wiped the immense amount of blood from my nostrils and lips. My heart was thrumming in my chest in anger and I took many deep breaths from my mouth to calm myself, to stop the snake that started to prowl in my veins.  He watched with a conniving smile as I grasped my knees to compose myself. 

"What a bitch shot." I grumbled and spat out the blood that coated my mouth as I straightened.

 He gave a careless shrug and I charged at him with all my might which I know he knows isn't much. Unlike what I did with Marcus,  I went low taking him by surprise and kicked his legs from under him. Once he was on the ground I scrambled on top of him and landed as many blows as I could, missing a couple and having my fists connect with the hard dirt. He overcame me after a while, pinning me with his weight between my legs and landing blow after blow on me. I covered myself as best as I could as he plowed into me with no remorse. With quick courage I warded off his next punch with both of my forearms and hooked my arm at the back of his neck drawing his face into the dirt at my ribs. After locking my ankles together around his waist, I proceeded to punch into his ribs, my confidence skyrocketing when he let out an agonized groan. He positioned himself to stand and I quickly released his waist to kick from under him and scrambled to my feet and away from him.

A circle was formed around us again as everyone watched us intently and I crouched as Jackass took a soldier fighting stance. We circled each other trying to find a good angle on each other and it felt like an eternity. It was like he was waiting for me to make the first move. I took a deep breath from my mouth, unable to do so from my damaged nose. I have to remain calm. I just have to prove myself and gain their trust. If I have to put myself in a ton of pain to get it I will. I charged at him again, this time going for his middle. I wrapped my arms around him, my intention to tip him over just like I wanted to do with Marcus but my back was met with a heavy punch right in the middle of it. 

This guy most definitely wasn't pulling his punches. 

I crashed to the ground at his feet and as soon as I pounced on all fours to stand his boot connected with my face, sending me flying backwards into the dirt. I didn't miss the gasps from the soldiers around us as I flipped myself over onto my stomach, all the sounds around me suddenly muted by a dull high pitched ringing in my ears. My vision was blurry and my head was swimming. He was too fast. 

Red The Maximus Holder *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now