Chapter 4

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I stared in hatred at the happy chattering people ahead of me, their eyes sparkling in the light of the yellow glass-stained chandelier. The man from the lab took it upon himself to give me my first "assignment" into the Core right off of the operation table. I tried to attack him of course, but my body failed me before I could make it to him and he just laughed while stepping over me and ordered the guards to take me to a room where they emptied another syringe into my arm and dressed me in the Core's uniform. I don't know what the contents of the liquid in the syringe was but it did clear my head and give me a boost of energy that I direly needed.

I stopped myself from pulling at the itchy material I was clad in to give my skin relief. You would think the suits would be more comfortable. I've never noticed how tight the suit looked on everyone until I actually squeezed into it myself. It hugged literally everything, leaving nothing to the imagination. They gave me underguards to wear under it, but the thin flexible material still didn't help in modesty. I know that they made the suits flexible and like an extra skin for combative purposes, but I don't think I could ever get used to this. I looked down at the black polished boots my feet were stuffed into. They were laced high up just stopping under my knee and I couldn't stop my lip from clipping in disgust at them. They had the Core Sigil embedded on the outer parts of the boots. Though it's more like a stamp into the leather, the sigil still found a way to sparkle that iridescent color in the light, reminding me of my most recent plight every time I look down.

The bathroom door I was guarding opened up then and I turned to the child I had to escort. She grabbed my hand in a death grip and I trudged behind her as she made a beeline back to her cunt parents, all the while talking up a storm and deepening my hole of misery.

I must find a way out of here. I have to come up with a plan. My subservience with that sick fuck needs to be short-lived now that I know why they need me. How could I have such power coming from a lower faction? It isn't a secret that some humans' genetics changed to be able to live in the new world giving them a bit more advantage than the normal human. And they made extra care to deem them as the Elite's.  But superhuman? That is a whole different thing in itself.

He could be lying to me. I would think that I would know if I had some massive ass power within me. He has yet to show me this power I have.... Hell, I have yet to show myself!

When we finally arrived at the couple, and the little girl was safely tucked into her mothers' side, I quickly made my way to my original post next to the floor-to-ceiling oak doors of the ballroom, taking my time moving through the crowd to get peeks at entrances that were beyond my post. The other entrances were just as heavily guarded so I know that fleeing at this time is impossible due to my limited knowledge on where I am. The only thing I know for sure is that I am in the 1st faction due to the amount of Elite presence. And God fuck it was stifling. It's like they all release a smog of arrogance and aloofness that choked me every time I thought about pulling in a deep breath.

When I finally reached my stationed post I clasped my hand behind my back, the same way I saw Archie and the rest of the soldiers do and became a statue, my eyes searching over everyone in open disgust and hatred. I want them to know that I didn't like them. I want them to be uncomfortable.

The Commanders Ball was your usual cuck-faced gathering. Every Elitist with a title was here along with their snobbish kids who were unaware that their shallow parents were searching for some other rich kid to marry them off too. They were all dressed in sophisticated fashions with the women wearing high updos and beautiful colorful square neck ball gowns that were adorned with jewels and crystals while the men were dressed in maverick black suits, the seams of their dapper outfits matching the color of the dresses of their respective partners. As for the Commanders, they arrogantly wore their white iridescent uniforms, proud to show their colors and honorables on their chests and shoulders. They had an extinguished air about them as they visited each other with their crystal wine glasses and haughtiness. Among their stifling smog the room reeked of a sweet aroma that made me want to gag and the soft murmurs and waves of laughter with conversations around me made my blood boil. I need to get the fuck out of here. There will have to be a way for me to find out where exactly I am so that I could plan accordingly. As much as I want to bust out of here guns blazing it would do little justice just to open another door to a dozen waiting soldiers.

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