Chapter 8

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Without stopping my flight I grabbed Marcus' shoulders and chucked him aggressively into the forest, watching with my heightened eyes as he crashed through tree after tree before coming to a halting stop against one's thick stump. When he went limp against it, I turned just as everyone was breaking through the forest from when they ran to rescue me, finding Freman's eyes immediately.

I spat out the blood that coated my mouth as I walked up to her. Some soldiers immediately took out their weapons and took aim as they protected Freman in a semi circle formation, reminding me of that sick fuck Reed. The others watched from the sidelines, the majority of their hands caressing a weapon.

"This wasn't a fair fight. You knew I would lose." I growled, my aura inching its way to her.

"I did." She admitted coolly. "You think I'm stupid? I know why you want that map. To escape."

She threw back at me with enough chill to freeze someone over. But not me. This bitch started a fight circle to watch me get killed and have no fucking conscious about it. She knew I was going to lose. She knew that I couldn't fight either by the looks of it and yet she still proposed that I do. What little respect I had for her is gone along with her fucking dignity. A true Commander wouldn't have proposed this in the first place. This was all for her entertainment and I was stupid enough to fall for the bait.

"So you thought to kill me in front of everyone instead." I spat at her, advancing a step that made everyone visibly tense. Freman placed a hand on the hilt of her Katana as she rolled her eyes in a bored fashion.

"Don't be dramatic. It did go a bit far but I didn't want you severely hurt-" I screamed past her empty words, my aching ribs making me hold the scream longer than intended as my aura pulsed and flared around me, reacting to my pain and frustration. I was in front of her in an instant, my aura flying me to her and pushing everyone away from us until it was just me and her. She drew her sword, her face suddenly passive and emotionless from my quick advancement and discarding of her protection circle. 

"Enough of this, Red." She warned me but I didn't care. My aura wouldn't let her harm me and I wouldn't be stupid enough to attack her. Not now. But I have to let her know,

"You're my enemy now." I whispered to her darkly, taking absolute pleasure in the way she flinched. Her throat worked with a swallow as she answered, 

"If that's what makes you feel better." Her voice is steady and matter of fact. If it wasn't for the sweat beading at her brow I would think she was unfazed.

"It does." I assured her in the same tone before backing away slowly. I could feel when the other soldiers were creeping up behind me and I let them. I let them have this peace for when I do kill them they can feel it is deserved. Because it would be. And just like I knew they would, the butt of a gun socked the back of my head, sending me into darkness.
I awoke to something kneading into my sore ribs and my hand lashed out to stop whatever it was grabbing onto a thick wrist. My eyes peeled open to see Marcus over me, his intuitive gaze sparkling as he looked down at me. The face mask still hides his mouth and nose making his eyes seem more mysterious and foreboding. 

What is he doing? I looked him over. And why doesn't he look hurt? I thought I killed him.

"That's a funny look." He murmured and I felt when he peeled my fingers from around his wrist with his free hand. It was a gentle gesture and a total contrast to the way he handled me earlier. But besides all that, I literally threw this guy through trees and yet he is still standing.

"What are you?" I breathed out loud and he stilled.

"More of a monster than you are I guess." He teased and I veered back at the word he chose to use.

Red The Maximus Holder *Book 1*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora