Chapter 7

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Everyone was watching me. I could feel the weight of their stares and damn near taste their curiosity at the mysterious 'newcomer'. I caught a couple of conversations about me and how someone filled them in that I'm the 'Maximus Holder' and to beware. That type of talk is bound to cause trouble for me which I am sure someone is trying to do which means I have to get out of here as soon as possible. I clipped my lip at nothing in particular as I stood from my lonesome camping spot and started my way to Commander Freman's tent. I thought of a plan last night that just might give me leverage out of here. It's almost perfect. Reed made the biggest mistake sending me out here in the open as I am a faction 4 civilian, we technically live in the wild. All I need is a compass and a map of where I am. After I have that it'll take me no time to get home, get my mom and disappear.

I just need to distract her long enough to get the essentials. 

"Commander." I called before the flap to her tent. I ignored the stares some bustling soldiers threw my way and in restlessness waited for her to answer. There was rustling of papers before I heard her voice bellowing me to enter and I stepped into the comfortably warm tent before instantly stilling at the broad figure that I nearly smacked into upon my entry. 

She has a guard in here with her.

He was standing right next to the entrance, dressed in a different type of soldier gear. Instead of the Core suit, he wore a fitted thick thermal sweater and a vest with lots of pockets. The thick baggy pants he hand on was also decked out with pockets with a strap over his thigh holding an assortment of knives, the ends of the pants stuffed into thick boots . On his head was a thick black beanie covering his hair with a face mask  over his nose and mouth. Everything he had on was black and added into the mysterious intense vibe he already got going. His intuitive green eyes were dead on me as I regarded him in confusion, the color striking and awfully familiar. A color that I've never seen anyone have before, and it was then that I remembered. He has to be the guy I met at the river, Marcus I believe. I figured she wouldn't have anyone with her now since she didn't last night.

 Fuck this is a big ass hiccup in my plan!

"Oh, Red," She greeted me and I turned my attention back to her. She was sitting at her desk deep in paperwork, her eyes met mine briefly before she went back to the paper on hand. "What can I do for you?"

Unintentionally I went back to eyeing Marcus but this time in scorn, unsure if I would actually be able to pull off the plan. His eyes were sharp.

"Don't worry about Marcus, he's harmless." She taunted him playfully, noticing my obvious distress at his unplanned presence. 

I'm not worried about if he's harmless or not, frankly I really don't give a damn. I just didn't expect an extra pair of eyes inside of her tent. There's only one way I can play this now and the resolution of it is most definitely uncertain. I turned from Marcus inquisitive eyes and gave a wavering awkward smile that I'm sure looked more like a grimace to Commander Freman.

"Sure. I just wanted to see if I could have a map of where we are." I told her with as much nonchalance as I could. She cocked an eyebrow at me before turning to the many maps on her desk.

"A map of the forest." She echoed thoughtfully.

"Yes. Is that not allowed?" I asked her innocently, knowing that it was. I've already seen countless soldiers pull out their maps to continue on with the regiment duties and I have half a mind why I wasn't given one along with a weapon that everyone else has as well. She sighed before speaking again.

"No it is..." Her voice held a tone and I narrowed my eyes at her. When she didn't make a move to give me a map or look back at me, a chilling sensation curdled my blood from the reality of the situation. 

Red The Maximus Holder *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now